One More Drink? - Bartender! Norway x Romania

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Norway - Kristjan
Romania - Vladimir

Vlad skulked into the high end looking bar. It seemed more quiet then he thought a bar should've been. At least compared to the ones closer to home anyway. It was a bar and diner. A very trendy looking one. The staff was busy taking orders and he just hoped that no one started to talk to him. He just wanted a drink to numb the dullness of his life and to go home and sleep.

He flopped down in one of the padded stools and hunched over the counter. "Bad day?" asked a smooth voice. It was deep but mesmerising and soothing. "Yeah." he responded shortly. He wasn't in the mood for some conversation.

"Please excuse me for a moment." the person said before his presence was gone again. Vlad looked up and saw a man with his back turned to him. Shaggy blonde hair that curled ever so slightly at the ends.

The man turned towards his direction after serving drinks and made his way back over to Vlad. "Now, what can I get you?" he asked with a smile. Dimples appeared either side of that cheeky looking smile.

"I don't know." remarked Vlad. This man with twinkling eyes chuckled and stared him in the eyes for a small moment. Not that Vlad complained. This bartender had really pretty eyes. "I know just what you need." said the bartender and with a wink he turned around to gather some different drinks.

The Romanian watched as the bartender poured the drinks into a shaker and as he did impressive tricks with the shaker. It must've taken years to learn that sort of thing. Though he must admit this guy was obviously skilled and very graceful in his movements.

A glass was set in front of him and the drink was poured into it. The bartender didn't look like he was going to serve anyone else. "What's wrong?" the blue eyed man asked. Vlad sighed.

"I've just about had enough of my job. My boss wanted paperwork doing and then complained to me that I should be doing three different things that all contradict themselves." stated Vlad taking a sip of the lush looking drink.

"I'm alone when I get home and it gets on you y'know. I want someone else in the house. Someone to talk to about the days events. Someone to unwind with." explained Vlad as he drank some more. He didn't know what it was about this guy but it seemed he was very easy to talk to.

As he rattled on about his problems, he felt himself become lighter. He felt better now he'd talked to someone. Much better than when he came in here. "Are you local?" asked the bartender. Vladimir looked up at the handsome face in front of him. This man was very blunt and forward. Did he sound local? He didn't want his accent to go away. It was the only thing that reminded him of home.

"No..." stated Vladimir and shifted a bit in the seat. "Sorry. Wrong question. Do you live near here?" asked the bartender. Correcting himself. "Yeah. Moved here a few years ago." responded Vladimir. The bartender nodded and placed another one of those drinks down on a napkin before hurrying off to serve someone else. "Call me if you need some fun.." was all that the bartender told him.

But not without a secret wink and a smirk that lingered long after he left Vlad. Vlad looked down at the napkin. Blue ink stained the white surface in careful, cursive handwriting. 'Kristjan - Call me...' was written on it with a number. Vlad smiled and looked up at Kristjan before pocketing the napkin and picking up his jacket. He left a little bit of paper with a small compliment and a tip alongside what he needed to pay.

He left the bar in high spirits and hoped that he could definitely see Kristjan once again.

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