Forgive Me - Denmark x Sweden

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Denmark - Mads
Sweden - Berwald

Mads was remembering what happened between him and Berwald in the past. He'd made up with Sigurd not too long ago. The only person he hasn't done a proper apology to is Sweden.

Trudging up the pathway he started getting more nervous each step. He's been here plenty of times. Sat drinking a coffee with him plenty of times. Knocking on the door, he looked up as it was answered.

"What are yer doing here Mads?" asked the Swedish male before him. Mads didn't have his usual smile or the spark in his eyes. "Can I come in?" asked Mads not meeting Berwald's eyes.

Berwald stood aside and let the Dane in. He was sick of all those fights. Sick of all those horrible memories with the Swede. He wanted to start over. After being handed a coffee. He stared into the liquid and stayed quiet as he listened to Berwald talk about his day.

"What are you doing here Mads?" asked Berwald again now finished talking about himself. Mads just shrugged. Finally look up at Berwald, the Swede saw the tears that made their way down the Dane's cheeks.

"I'm sorry I you." murmured Mads starting to fiddle with his hands again. Berwald just stared at him. Taking Mads' hands in his own he rubbed his thumbs over the back of them. Maybe Mads was talking about the argument they had the other day.

"It's fine." responded Berwald. It was in the past. It was done with. With a pointed look from Mads, it dawned on him that Mads wasn't talking about the small tiff the other night.

"No, it's not fine. What happened, what I did, it was awful and I should never have done it, and for that I am sorry." Mads remarked holding a heated gaze with Berwald. His tears refused to go away and his body was shaking.

Pulling Mads into a hug, he felt his heart ache. Mads was so upset over something that he thought that they'd gotten over. Pulling away slightly, he kissed away the tears.

"Listen to me Mads," he started whilst cupping the Danes cheeks ", you are wonderful. You don't need to apologise for what happened in the past. It's been and gone. It's not meant to be lamented on. You hear me?"

Mads nodded his head calming down from the tender touches that Berwald issued him. "I love you and nothing's going to change that." stated Berwald before locking the both of them in a kiss. 

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