You Broke My Heart - America x England

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Prompt - "You sure broke my heart last week" 

America - Alfred
England - Arthur

"Baby, please... let me explain. Please... I didn't mean it.." blubbered the voicemail. Arthur rolled his eyes. This was the fifteenth voicemail the American had left him. He sat there in his pajama bottoms and oversized jumper. Sure he was upset at their break up but he should've known better than to date Alfred.

He was younger, a real charmer and was very popular with both ladies and men. "Arthur, ye got a wee visitor for ye." called up his brother Alistair.  Arthur huffed and got off the comfy bed and headed down the stairs. Whoever it is better not waste his time.

Though what he saw immediately infuriated him. Alfred was there with a bouquet of flowers and an apologetic expression on his face. "What are you doing here?" hissed Arthur narrowing his eyes at the American. He'd had enough of Alfred for the rest of his lifetime.

The British male crossed his arms and watched on as Alfred stuttered and stumbled over his words. "I'm waiting..." stated Arthur in a condescending manner. Alfred held out the flowers. "I tried calling. I tried texting. I tried everything and you didn't answer. I'm sorry. I really am." said Alfred. That... That was supposed to be an apology? "You sure broke my heart last week." stated Arthur in a harsh tone. He didn't care anymore. He just wanted rid of this boy.

Arthur rolled his eyes. "I know and I'm sorry... I shouldn't of slept with her and when I finished I knew it was a mistake. Take me back Artie..." mumbled the American. If Arthur's anger wasn't enough already, the American just pissed him off even more. Arthur grabbed Alfred by the collar of his shirt and dragged him towards the door.

He tossed him out into the rain and grabbed hold of the flowers he was given as an apology token. "How dare you bring that up. You should've realised it was wrong the first time you slept with her." snapped Arthur. He ripped up the flowers and chucked them at Alfred. "You cheat, you liar, you coward." stated Arthur. Each word held such malice and venom. There was no coming back from this mistake.

"Baby please..." begged Alfred. The rain had already drenched him yet here he was begging on his knees for something that he had ruined. Arthur pulled off the bracelet on his wrist and chucked it at the American.

"Tiffany needs you more than me. Have a nice life Alfred." seethed Arthur before slamming the door. Alfred was left there looking at the scattered chain links and broken flowers on the floor. The rain continued it's heavy downpour. He was drenched but all he felt was the ache in his heart. "I love you Artie..." he whispered with a cracking voice but he knew that no matter how much he loved Arthur, he'd never be able to fix his mistake.

He fucked up and he fucked up beyond repair. 

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