Wilting Roses - Prussia x Canada

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Prussia - Gilbert
Canada - Matthew

They didn't know how long it would last. The days away from each other. The endless phone calls and Skype conversations. It seemed like torture when Gilbert moved back to Germany once he finished his studies.

Slowly the calls became less, nights were spent alone and mornings were spent busied with more important tasks. The odd thought of each other roamed their minds. Though their love seemed to steadily fall like petals dropping from wilting roses.

Now two more years have gone passed without the other stumbling into each other or thoughts of their past. Gilbert became a co-founder of a new mechanics shop somewhere in Germany but by night he was a poet and painter that spilled his heart out of a long lost love through ink and paper or paints and canvases.

Matthew became a famous cook, so far as getting his own show and several published cook books. By night, he was writing stories of a prince without his King.

It came a day where Matthew was moving and he came across a really dusty looking book. He sat down by the box he was packing and opened up the cover. On the front page, was a neat script in which Mattie & Gil were written. He traced his fingers over the long since dried ink on the paper.

He continued through the pages, flicking through a book full of photos that withheld memories of a relationship that made him feel happy even with the littlest amount of money. Years upon years of photos, tickets, postcards and notes. He came across one photo dated 18th June 2011...

While looking at the photo, he remembered what that day was like. On that day, he felt serene. With his hand in Gilbert's and looking into each other's eyes as they lay in the autumn leaves. Hipster couple. That's what his brother Alfred called them. That was back when they were living together and went to the same University.

Then it came to the back of the book. A letter was stuck on the blank pages. Carefully he opened it up and let his eyes scan over the writing.

'A gift to my gorgeous Matthew. I hope I get to make so many more memories with you. Mainly ones of a future together with you. I've never been this happy in my life. It'll be a sad day when I have to move back to Germany but I was planning to ask you to come with me. We could live on the road or if you wanted we could live somewhere nice and settle down. I'll be the stay at home Dad if you want...'

The letter was so heart felt. He took it that this was a parting gift. It made him chuckle and feel endearment towards the German that was no longer by his side. This made him wonder what happened to the both of them. Why did they lose contact with each other. The next page of the letter confused him. It seemed like it referred to the German himself as though it's a small diary.

'Mattie, if my old self never asked you to come with me to Germany, I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. Just know that even when I'm in Germany, I'll miss you and not stop loving you like I did the first time. In fact I think I'll fall twice as hard if I ever see you again. I had it all planned out. Many different plans but they involved you. We could've hid somewhere in the world and go by different identities. We could've settled down somewhere. If I forgot to give you this, I'm so stupid. I hope I can get it to you sometime soon. Let's just give a random date and let fate decide if we should be together. - With all my love, Gilbert..'

It read as though Gilbert was rambling. Trying to fill a blank space where heartbreaking words should've been. Matthew saw the date on the bottom of the page. He hurried and picked up a duffel bag before stuffing it with clothes. He started the drive to the airport and got on call to a family member that was in the area.

"Hey Alfred, no I'm not in trouble, I just called to say I'm going out. Some recording thing. Can you watched the house for me?" he asked his brother. Mattie smiled as he headed towards the terminal.

"Let's just say I'm chasing up fate..."

Gilbert found his old journal and saw a date in it after finding a couple of photos stashed away alongside it and other letters from an old love called Matthew.

That's why he was here, sitting and bouncing his leg. Everyone around him seemed to move so fast yet so slow as if they were in some kind of loop. He watched the screen for a while before standing at the window. He watched planes go to and fro from the airport.

It soon became night and Gilbert felt stupid. It was a single date and place on a piece of paper. Who knows if Matthew read the letter he left all those years ago. What was it 2? 3? 5? He didn't know how many years had passed since he saw the Canadian in person.

That's when he saw it. One of the last flights from Canada for today. Terminal 6.

He hurried along around the airport and bustling people waiting for their own flights. When he got to the terminal after repeating it over 20 times in his head, he awaited the arrival of someone who could be a complete stranger to him now.

His anxiety filled him as he watched everyone begin to filter out of the terminal. Still a no show from Matthew. He could've missed him though if Matthew ever changed from the way he used to look.

That's when he saw a familiar face come out when nearly all the others had gone. Gilbert's throat hitched in his throat and his heart beat twice as fast. It was him. It...

Both male rushed forward at that point and embraced in a kiss. They pulled apart and Gilbert cleared his throat. "I apologise for my actions. I should take you to dinner and get to know you more first." he formerly apologised for his previous action and received Matthew's bag for him.

The Canadian sighed. His cheeks tinted pink and a soft smile on his face. Only he looked older. They both did. The years were kind to them. What Gil wanted was to embrace him and tell him how much he missed him. That's why he restrained the in-formalities he would've normally had around Matthew. He longed to let Mattie roll off the tip of his tongue.

What he didn't expect was the hand that captured his and a simple, "Don't be sorry..."

It was his birthday once again. Something he found fun in when going out for drinks but he stayed in with his beloved. A square package was handed to him. Carefully he opened up the paper and slid out a book with a heart on the front.

He saw a piece of string attached to the front page where it held the words Mattie & Gil. On the end of the string was a ring. He seized in his hands and looked up to the Canadian. "Will you marry me Gil?" he asked with a small amount of nervousness shining through.

Gilbert nodded and pulled Mattie into a kiss. "I will Mattie." he cooed and pressed his forehead's to the other man's. Now he had a place to fit all the photos for their future.

This time... it'll be together. 

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