Someone You Loved - Denmark x Fem! Netherlands

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Fem! Netherlands - Lotte
Denmark - Magnus

All the rehearsals I missed. All the shows I refused to come and watch. All the times I was too busy to see you dance. It was all down to my arrogance. Losing you was something of a mistake that I'll never learn to get back.

Oh how I've missed you. I let the bag fall off of my shoulder and onto the floor as I stepped into the house we owned together. It was time to get my things and move away to start another life. It'll take a little while but you wont mind that will you Lotte. I could see that you must've moved out some time ago since there was dust and remnants of photo frames that used to hang on the walls. The ones you hung up with a glowing smile.

My footsteps echoed as I walked further in. The floorboards creaked under foot as I stood still in front of one of the photos you didn't take. Instead it hung there almost in pristine condition. It looked like you had changed your mind and brought it back. A picture of us a long time ago on a pier. You looked so happy as you clung to me with a bright smile and sparkling eyes.

I missed it. I missed the way you looked at me like that. I could tell when we argued that you fell out of love. You never had those sparkling eyes or those glamorous smiles. Sighing I pulled the photo off of the wall. Maybe I should take it so I can relive those memories. Maybe I should tear it up and burn it so I don't end up tormenting myself with my mistakes.

We were both to blame. I traipsed out of the house and picked up the boxes that were in my car. It's time to pack up whats left. Starting with upstairs, it was sad to see that the bookshelf was almost barren with the novels you loved missing from their usual places. I only had a few books that I loved. Mainly Hans Christian Anderson and Shakespeare.

The wardrobe had suffered the same fate and only had what little clothing I had left here. A certain shirt of mine was missing and I could only presume you took it. Why would you take it though, I thought you hated everything about me, the clothes I wore, the laugh that I made at funny jokes or my annoying voice.

Folding my clothes into a neat pile, I transferred them to a box ready for me to put back into my car. I could imagine you now, you spinning, jumping, having fun with your friends and doing what you loved best. What I'd give to watch you dance just one more time.

Walking into the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror. You should see me now Lotte. You thought I was scruffy then but if you looked at me now then I fear you'd want nothing to do with me. A scruffy beard adorned my face. Sad blue eyes were reflected in the mirror in front of me with bitten lips and a reddened nose. Long hair tucked behind my ears. I lost a lot of weight too. I thought I'd be just what you wanted.

That's when I realised something. We were different you and I. We were so different yet we tried to make it work. You were so serious about your career as a ballet dancer. I get that it's really hard word to get where you'd love to be. It takes years upon years of recitals, physically challenging things and patience to get to a prima ballerina. A lot more too probably. You picked out the worst in me.

You said I was lazy for sleeping in on a Sunday, fatty for eating things like cake or ice cream. While you starved yourself, I tried changing myself for you. I dropped the unhealthy things I ate, I stopped drinking, I stopped playing games. Instead I started working out, I started eating a certain amount of calories thinking I could look like that Ludwig you loved so much.

You wanted perfection, I wanted content and kids. You said kids would ruin your body and I thought that was vain but I was willing to still be with you until the day you said it wouldn't work anymore and that I was the problem.

I sighed as I just pushed my stuff into my bag. The sooner I'm done with this the sooner I can move on and forget about this part of my life.

It wasn't until the next day after I packed everything away, gave the keys and the deed over to the sales person that I saw a poster for your ballet company. A performance for charity that anyone was allowed to come to but to help the proceeds, I bought a ticket in advance. I had one last thing to give you before I left for good.

There was no seats left so I stood at the back of the hall. The opening was delightful but my eyes only followed you when you were on the stage. Such graceful movements but when you were about to do a certain move, I saw the shift in your face, the stumble in your step. You never faltered. Not once since I met you but now you do. I knew you saw me. I knew what was going through your mind considering you said you didn't want to see me ever again.

After the show I was greeted by you Lotte. "Magnus is that you?" you asked. Such a beautiful voice that I missed hearing every day. I nodded. The silence took over, it was overbearing and I just wanted to leave. "I saw you da-" you cut me off with a quick flurry of words.

"Why are you back here? What happened to you?" you asked. Bitter as always and definitely what I was expecting. The slight warmth in your voice on the second question took me back a little.

I just handed you a small box. I watched as you opened it and lifted the necklace out, it had a tiny ballerina on it. "It was supposed to have been a gift for our anniversary." I mused with as much nonchalance as I could muster. You really made me feel like crying. I turned and walked out ready to just drive off back to Denmark.

There was no plans of you following me to my car and grabbing my wrist to stop me. "Magnus wait." you stated. Your voice was cool and sharp like you were speaking to one of the infants you teach. "Why should I wait. I waited years for you to realise that I was enough for you. I wanted what you said you wanted in the beginning, a man to raise a home, a loving father and a loyal husband. You wanted none of that so tell me why I should wait now." I snapped. I had enough. You've mentally drained me even though I loved you so much.

"What changed?" she asked as she looked me up and down. I laughed bitterly. "What changed?" I mimicked.

"I'll tell you what's changed. You pointed out all my flaws. My short hair, my obnoxious personality, my laziness, my fat, my entire being was filled with flaws. So I changed for you into something you might deem as lovable." I spit out.

Lotte, you looked so shocked like you never even said those words to me in your life. I opened my car door and stood there. "What made you change?" she asked as if I hadn't already said why. I looked down at the floor.

"I just wanted to be someone you loved." I murmured before getting into my car and driving away. I felt numb. When I arrived in Denmark, I took a good look at myself in my mirror. This wasn't me, none of this was. That was the last night I cried myself to gasping breaths over you Lotte. All I wanted was to be someone you loved. 

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