First Kiss - Belarus x Hungary

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Belarus - Natalya
Hungary - Elizabeta

It was the fifth sleepover with her best friend Eliza. They were always there for each other. When Eliza had her first crush, when Eliza had her first boyfriend. It all seemed perfect for Elizabeta. Boys lusted after her and even the girls wanted to kiss her and to be her.

For Natalya..... it was different. The boys saw her as plain or scary and always called her ice queen. Girls shunned her and made sure that she wasn't involved with many girly activities. Nor was she involved with talking. So she lived up to what ever rumours the school said about her. That she was scary, heartless, emotionless and even obsessed with her brother.

The last one made her uncomfortable. Just because she had a close relationship with her brother didn't mean that she was obsessed with him. There was one person that never left her side no matter how bad it got. All the tears were wiped away as soon as they slid down her cheeks and the memories of torment were replaced with friendship. The only one that stuck by her was Elizabeta.

Sure the Hungarian was completely loved by all but the minute someone started picking on Natalia in front of her, she showed them all that she wasn't going to take kindly to the bullying. And months after she picked up the Belarusian as a friend, it led to this... sleepovers at least once a month.

Natalia had been sitting on the bed and letting Eliza do her nails. The way Eliza's hair fell down her shoulders and back made Natalia want to touch it. She wanted to tangle her hands in the other girls hair and feel how soft it was. She felt her eyes coast down the Hungarians body.

Looking back at her nails hastily to avoid suspicion, she smiled when Eliza looked up at her. Oh those green eyes were intense and made Nat's heart flutter in her chest. These feelings had only begun to get worse. She feared that she might ruin something if she came clean. Elizabeta had the perfect boyfriend and even Natalya managed to snag meek little Toris. Although he was slightly afraid of her in particular.

It was when they was watching a movie that she got the urge to do something so absolutely bold that she was caught off guard with her own thoughts.

The movie just blurred out the more she thought about it. Surely it was wrong. Surely it wasn't allowed. No one in their right mind would kiss their best friend and ruin two relationships in one. Once her eyes focused on the screen in front of her, her breath hitched. The male protagonist just announced his feelings for his best friend and now the kiss came next.

She eyed Elizabeta out the corner of her eye and wondered what she was feeling. Did she feel the same way that Natalya did. Did she know that Natalya had some strange sort of feelings for her. Natalya panicked as the movie ended. "We should get some sleep." stated Eliza as she stretched. Natalya just looked at the floor and nodded.

"Natalya are you okay?" Eliza asked once they both got into her room. Natalya just nodded and picked up her bag. "I, er, I have to go." said Natalya. She didn't want to risk it any longer. Turning to stand face to face with Eliza, she bit her lip in nervousness. "Why?" asked Eliza. She sounded a little disappointed. "I, just remembered that I had a test to study for." Natalya found a lame excuse for her suddenly ditching the sleepover.

Eliza nodded and walked with Natalya to the door in silence. "Bye." Natalya quickly said before she could make a mistake.

Natalya brought herself to the heartbreaking decision of staying away from Elizabeta for who knows how long.

Months had gone by and she refused to respond to Eliza's messages, refused to speak to her at school and stayed to herself. She made her brother and sister cover for her many times.

Today just happened to be the day she wanted to go to the park, to walk and clear her head and heart and decide the next move. "Nat?" asked a familiar voice from behind her. She sighed and lent against the bridge railing. The water rippled below them as the other female took place beside her.

"Why are you avoiding me?" asked the Hungarian. Her voice held no anger just sadness and curiosity. Nat pondered over the many answers she could give. "I had some stuff I needed to deal with on my own." she answered and she knew that with her voice wavering slightly anyone could tell it was a lie. It was a white lie sure because she could've solved it while being with other people or talking to someone but she couldn't talk to or be near Eliza.

"Bullshit.. Nat! You and I both know that when you've had problems, you'd always speak to me about it. Why not now?" Eliza raised her voice and for once Nat felt so undeniably guilty about her actions. Taking a deep breath she decided that enough was enough and she was finally going to admit her feelings.

"Eliza, I can't put a word on it right now but I feel my heart flutter when I'm near you. I can't help but feel the need to kiss you and cuddle you and do all the things a friend should not. I thought I'd try avoiding you to make it better and let you and your boyfriend be happy together." Natalya explained with a heavy heart.

She screwed her eyes shut and prepared for a rejection. Instead she felt the warm fingertips caress her face and a hand cup her cheek. "You could've just told me." cooed the Hungarian. Nat felt those plump lips on hers and felt the fire that suddenly alighted inside her.

When Eliza pulled back Nat was at a loss for words. Pressing her forehead against Nat's she smiled lovingly. "I've felt the same way the whole time." she admitted and that was when Natalya felt the happiest she's ever been

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