Licorice Lovers - Iceland (NSFW, Smut, Lemon)

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Iceland - Emil

I sat with Denmark and Norway. I was texting my girlfriend to pass time. "Still haven't met your girlfriend. When are you going to bring her round or is she not real." mused Mathias. Lukas didn't do anything because even he didn't know. "I wouldn't like to burden her with a weird family." I responded. "Like I said she's not real and you wouldn't be able to get laid by anyone since you're so uptight." said Mathias.

I got up and walked to my room. I laid back on my bed and thought of something to distract me. As if on cue my phone rang. I answered it expecting it to be a friend but a angelic voice was on the other end instead. "Emil? I'm in Iceland and I thought you'd like to meet up." said the voice making his heart soar. It's been months since they last talked. A year since they last saw each other but they've been together for as long as Emil could remember.

"That would be perfect elskan." I responded. My love she's finally come again.


I hesitantly walked behind Norway into this big room with lots of people. He turned around and knelt before me. "Stay in that corner, I'm sure one of the other countries have brought their little siblings." he said. I wandered off to where he told me to.

A few minutes into drawing, I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned round to come face to face with a beautiful little girl about my age. Her (Y/N) eyes sparkled with life. A dazzling smile was graced upon her lips even though her front two teeth were missing. A fox cub and a little chick was with her.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N). The little chick is Peppermint and the fox is Angel." she said holding out her hand. I took her hand. "I'm Emil. This is Mr Puffin." I responded. She sat down and we started talking. "Is Norway your big brother?" she asked. I nodded. "Cool, my cousin is England." she chimed.

*Present time*

I got up and put my coat and shoes on before walking out the door. A small smile made it's way to my lips as I remembered the day we were first dating which was years ago.

*Time warp to yesteryear*

I sat on the stairs awaiting her arrival, Arthur was coming round to do magic with Lukas. The door opened and in came Arthur. (Y/N) came skipping in after. Her pets were with her. I rushed to her and wrapped my arms around her. "I missed you." I said breathing in the (Scent) scent of her clothes that combined with the smell of (Scent). It was an interesting mix.

I took her hand and dragged her upstairs to my room. We sat on the bed just talking. I never got why she wore gloves or her attitude kept switching. I held her hand in mine and we gazed into each others eyes. Even though we were only 8, we knew what this was. It was that night that I stole away her first kiss as she stole away mine. I held her in my arms as we fell asleep.

*Present time*

I went into the shop and bought a packet of black and red licorice before heading out to our meeting point. I sat on the swings just looking out. There was a pair of hands covered my eyes. "Guess who lover boy." said the melodic voice. Being 19 had it's perks.

"Hmmm? Is that my loving girlfriend?" I said. She sighed and laughed. It's been an amazing 11 years and we were friends for years before that. I got up and embraced her in a hug. I've missed her so much. I could smell the scent I've came to love. It's actually close to christmas so she's my christmas present.

"I've missed you elskan mín." she said wrapping her arms around my neck. I was taller than her. We pulled away and I got a good look at her. Chocolatey brown hair hung down to the middle of her back and was curled. Her lips covered by a dark lipstick and there were piercings and tattoos on her body. She was wearing a black dress with ripped leggings and black boots.

I took her hand in mine and noticed that she didn't have any gloves on. I felt her warm skin against mine. "Shall we get going?" I asked. I picked up the bag of licorice and we walked towards my house that I share with the people I call family. We quickly went up the stairs and into my room. There was only a short silence before there was laughing. I turned to (Y/N) and saw how she was laughing. "What gives Emil? 11 years and still you hide me from your family?" she said. Her English accent was so clear and it made her even cuter.

I put down her rucksack by my desk at the other side of the room. I got on the bed beside her and she instinctively wrapped an arm around me and rested her head on my chest. "Your heart still beats so fast when I'm near you." she said. I nodded and spotted a tattoo peaking out of the top of her dress. "It's because no matter how long I've been with you, there's still butterflies and that tingle of electricity between us." I responded. She looked up at me some of her hair fell in her face. I brushed it away careful not to get it caught in her eyebrow piercings.

"What's that tattoo mean?" I asked her brushing my fingertips over the hidden tattoo. She pulled down her sleeve and straddled me so I could get a closer look. It was my name with the Icelandic flag and snowflakes surrounding it. I leaned down and pressed a kiss to the inked skin. I moved my hands to her hips. Before we could say anything, there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" I called out. "It's Tino, me and Berwald are going to our holiday home so we just want to say goodbye." replied Tino.

(Y/N)'s POV

I stifled a small laugh. "Okay I'll come downstairs." replied Emil. I guess he still hasn't told people about us being together. I don't mind since I have no one to tell. England and France are annoying each other, Canada is taking part in hockey season. America is trying to throw a party and China and Russia are being their usual selves. I came to hang out with Emil since I've missed hanging out with him.

"C'mon I'll bring you downstairs so that they know that I'm harbouring my girlfriend." said Emil. I took his hand and he dragged me downstairs. Once we reached the living room, I could feel all eyes on us. "Remember (Y/N)?" asked Emil. They nodded. He gestured to me and I waved shyly. "Hi guys." I said. Their jaws dropped a little apart from Lukas and Berwald.

"Look how grown up you are. How old are you now?" gushed Tino. "I've just turned 18." I responded. "What brings you here?" asked Lukas. "Just wanted to hang out with my best friend for a few weeks before I start uni." I said. I hugged Berwald and Tino goodbye. Berwald and Tino and like my big brothers. They left and we sat with Norway and Denmark. "We were teasing lillebror earlier. About how he couldn't get a girlfriend because he's so uptight and Denmark was one to remark that Emil couldn't get laid." said Norway.

If they only knew. We had dinner and right now Mathias was trying to hit on me. S'cuse me I'm taken by a really handsome Icelandic.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" asked Denmark. "No but I scraped my knee crawling up from hell." I remarked. "Baby, your body is a wonderland." he tried again. "And yours is a wasteland." I responded. I could tell I was making Lukas and Emil amused but Emil would probably get jealous.

"Wanna go to my room I could show you a good time." he said leaning closer towards me. I leaned closer to his ear. "I would but I don't think two people would fit in a cupboard." I responded.

"I'll try one more time. Baby if you and I were to have fun, I'd ask you to hit me with your best shot." said Mathias. I sighed. "Okay." I responded and hit him. He was knocked out but I didn't even feel a thing. "Thank you." said Norway. I just shrugged. "Well it was nice to see you again. Ciao." I said. Following Iceland upstairs we both stifled laughter.

We got into his room and collapsed against the bed. "I didn't know you knew those comebacks or Italian." said Emil. "Well I know plenty of languages from my travels. For instance I took it upon myself to learn your native tongue elskan." I responded. He smiled softly. I moved in to kiss him only to eat some licorice from my cardigan pocket. He whined.

Emil's POV

I whined as she teased me. I moved to sit against the headboard and took a piece of licorice for myself. "Ég elska lakkrís en ég elska þig meira heillandi prinsinn minn." she said moving up to straddle me. It was so hot to hear her speak Icelandic. I pressed my lips to hers and deepened it.


I had her sitting in my lap our clothes no longer adorned her body. "Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded. "Já." she replied. I felt her skin on mine how it felt so soft. Little kisses were placed along her neck to distract her from the pain she was feeling. I felt her nipping at my neck marking me as hers.

Maybe it was the moonlight making me entranced. Maybe it was her kisses with a tongue like licorice that had me intoxicated from the start. Maybe it was her scent that that caused me to be love drunk. Her personality, her looks, her voice, her scent and her eyes were everything that only an angel could acquire. This moment was so real and when I felt that we were close, I kissed her and together we joined in the euphoric feeling of our bodies being joined.

I rested next to her. She rested on her front as she looked at me sleepily. I traced the intricate tattoo on her back that was made to look like a machine underneath the fake ripped skin. It was rather creative. I pulled out a ring from my bedside table that I was going to give her and placed it on her ring finger. I kissed her uttering a goodnight before holding her to my chest as we slept.

I got up that morning and walked downstairs into the kitchen. Lukas and Mathias weren't up yet but I thought I might make some pancakes. Of course I had some boxers and sweatpants on. Two pairs of footsteps were heard and then two gasps. "HOLY HELL DUDE?!" exclaimed the familiar Danish accent. I set the plates down and stood at the kitchen door frame about to leave. "Could you be any louder, someone is trying to sleep." I hissed. "But you got laid by someone we don't even know." said Mathias talking loudly.

"Have you ever heard of a inside voice Mathias?" asked a very annoyed English accent. I put my arm around (Y/N) who was only wearing my shirt that was big on her with booty shorts and her hair was over her left shoulder. The right side of the shirt slipped off her shoulder and showed off the tattoo that she got to resemble me. "Why are you wearing Emil's shirt?" asked Lukas.

"I thought you guys were smarter and would notice after 11 years." said (Y/N) walking over to the fridge and getting a glass of orange juice. "What we know that she's your best friend." said Mathias as he continued to stare at (Y/N). "Mathias, mind not looking at my fiancée." I warned. Lukas and Mathias' eyes grew wide.

Finland and Sweden came in and came into the kitchen. "Why has Emil got scratches on his back; (Y/N) got Emil's shirt on and Mathias and Lukas are both staring at them wide eyed?" asked Sweden.

"(Y/N) and Emil have been together for 11 years and we didn't know about it. They had sex last night and Emil and (Y/N) are engaged." said Mathias quickly. Tino just smiled at us.

"I knew this since they would steal glances at each other and share eachothers licorice even though Emil said he hated red licorice, and (Y/N) hated black licorice but I only have two words." said Tino. We looked at him expectantly.

"Licorice Lovers."

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