Love Letter - Japan x Greece

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Japan - Kiku
Greece - Heracules

Heracles looked around, cats laid lazily beside him but he was far too awake. He lie thinking of the one he loved underneath the midday sun. Golden rays kissing his skin where he knew he'd been kissed by the man of his dreams.

Still the soft rays of light could not compare to the touch of his love, one who sparked feelings so deep within him that he was sure they were soulmates in a previous life.

Many who passed Heracles knew that Aphrodite and Eros shone their gazes down upon him and whispered soft love songs within his heart. For he missed the man he could hold until the stars shone over head. It made his heart sink and his hands miss the feeling of skin so soft.

Greek blood ran through his veins but the only thing he'd rather have was that to be turned to love because he was far too deep to want to live without the other. Half a heart that yearned to be lit on fire again and again until his thoughts drowned out those fears of never seeing the other again.

Cats were where he showed his tender love for his soulmate through gentle hugs and daily feedings. Still he longed for a warmed body. One he could show his love and receive just as much back.

He felt something be placed on his body. Not as soft as a darling kiss and not as warm as another body. Though paper hearts were never a way to go cause paper hearts are quicker to burn and lasts even less but words entwined within the pages made them seem invincible and last until they crossed paths again.

Calligraphy so recognisable he traced each letter with his fingertips as if they held the essence of the one he loved and he could feel the other through the ink on the page.

Tears smudged the ink just so but still left it able to read. Each word sunk into his heart as a smile caressed his face and happy tears welled in his eyes. They warmed him and he could hear that voice so soft and gentle, so beautiful and calm that he couldn't help but let his rough seas calm and the sun shine again within his mind.

He'd promised that he'd visit once things were less demanding where he worked but for the Greek that was enough. Just to hear the whispering voice echo from his heart that he too shared the love he felt made Heracles feel like he'd just met the Gods and Goddesses themselves.

The last sentences that were penned and flowed straight from a heart that was missing him and made him flee to the nearest place to pen a letter to warm and sweet. For his loved one loved him and he was going to go and lay in a bed with him even if it meant crossing a thousand seas and obeying the deities themselves.

'My dearest Heracles, I long for the days I can be beside you again, for the seas are greying and skies are crying without you being here. My tongue is cynical and words are venomous but when I think of you my soul is cleansed. My love for you is eternal and one day we can be stars in the inky sky that shine so bright like little gems.

With all my love, Kiku'

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