You Promised - Denmark x Norway

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Denmark - Mathias
Norway - Lukas

Mathias had lost count the amount of times he heard bullet being shot. The trenches weren't exactly comfy nor the cleanest of things. Though he put up with it. Looking up to the clouded sky he wished upon his heart something that he couldn't have.

That was to be in the arms of his dear one. Lukas was probably at home worrying about how Mathias was. While he was here amidst the chaos of war, he had no time to gaze a the sky in hopes that maybe he's be able to see the stars and think of Lukas.

Currently Mathias and a few others on his team scouted out the local town. The enemy was nearby. "We should set up camp." remarked his squadron leader. The men set up camp in the dilapidated building. Picking out the photo from his trouser pocket, he smiled.

There he was alongside Lukas on one of their dates. Lukas had finally got time off from his job at the cafe and Mathias wasn't on call. It was a blissful day.

The trees were swaying gently and the sun was shining. What a perfect time to go on a hike. Just the memory of it brought a smile to Mathias' face. He remember the very thing Lukas had said to him that day.

I love you Mathias....

To say Mathias was happy was an understatement. Sure he had dated other people but once he mentioned that he was in the Army they turned the other cheek. Mathias could probably see their point. Who'd want to be with a guy that could be away years at a time or die some point in the near future.

Lukas did. Lukas wanted that guy. The very guy that got on amazingly well with his little brother. A guy that was not only tough but was a big softie. His leader handed out letters to the group. "These came in a day ago." he remarked.

Opening the letter, Mathias read through it. Lukas was complaining about how the bed felt cold and that nothing was the same without Mathias there. It made the Dane's heart warm up and it really hit Mathias hard. He's been away for a year already and there was no end in sight to this war. At least that's what he thought.

There was sounds of tyres on the sandy road outside. "Weapons free." remarked the Squad leader. Mathias turned the safety off of his gun and held it tightly. Nerves were getting to him. No matter how many wars and drills he's served in, it'll never stop him getting nervous at the fact that he could very well lose his life in a blink of an eye.

Slowly they made their way out and behind cover. A truck was down the end of the street. There was a bunch of guys. Around 6 of them standing there with guns and checking the surrounding area. "There wasn't a time to think before bullets were headed their way. They had been spotted.

Firing back as quick as he could, he stood up getting ready to switch cover. Instead he thought of a plan. "I'll provide cover fire. You take them from both sides." Mathias told the others in his group. No one argued back. They'd take anything they could get if it meant getting out of here. Standing up, he unleashed hell fire onto the enemies. Though his adrenaline stopped him from noticing something that went very wrong.

The enemy was soon dead and Mathias felt happy. Now all he had to do was call for air support and they'd be out of there and hopefully back home not too much longer. Taking a few deep breaths, pain hit him hard. All over his body was sore.

Collapsing onto his knees, he touched his side where it felt warm and wet. Pulling it back, his eyes widened. This couldn't be happening. Not once has he been hit in the 8 years he's been doing this.

One of his fellow soldiers tried to stop the bleeding. Mathias felt himself beginning to drift out of consciousness. "This is Major Mason asking for air support. We've got a man down, I repeat we've got a man down." said the Leader.

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