Decorations - Norway x Denmark

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Norway - Sigurd
Denmark - Mathias

"Are you kidding me?" bellowed a voice from upstairs. Sigurd just sighed and shut his book. He counted down from 10 to 1. In those 10 seconds, he heard thundering footsteps from the hall and some skidding on the kitchen floor. This was all before his loving boyfriend was sprawled out in front of him.

"What is it now?" asked Sigurd as he looked down at the Dane. Mathias looked as though he was about to cry. "Mat?" he asked softly. Mathias took in a deep breath and showed Sigurd what was in his hands.

There laid a broken Christmas tree decoration. One that had obviously been years old. "What happened?" asked Sigurd. Mathias tried to mumble out an answer but all he could get out was 'broke'.

"Go calm yourself by having a nap, I'll get a new one..." he tried to soothe the Dane. He knew what that decoration meant to him. It was a gift from his Mother who moved overseas years ago. He waited until Mathias had vacated the room and he picked up all the broken pieces and took them into the kitchen.

Taking out the pair of tweezers and a bowl. He poured some glue into the bowl and set out the pieces of ornament on the kitchen table. The hours ticked by as he dipped each piece in glue and then attached one by one to each other until he fixed it.

Mathias woke up and rubbed his eyes. He noticed that it was dark out. Why hadn't Sigurd woke him up for dinner? Venturing through the house he wondered why he was sad in the first place. He had forgotten what made him so sad.

That's when he noticed the kitchen light. Treading lightly across the floor he peeped into the room and found a sleeping Sigurd who, in his outstretched palm, held a pair of tweezers. On a small fruit hanger, there was the once broken ornament that Mathias had cried for.

He took a closer look at it and saw all the pieces stuck together very carefully. "You idiot.." he mumbled lovingly and tidied up after Sigurd. He decided that he'd treat Sigurd to a takeaway. Mathias felt so happy that he knew he was spending Christmas with someone as sweet as his boyfriend and someone who did stuff like this. Maybe Christmas wasn't ruined after all. 

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