The Shades Of Your Eyes - Romania x Norway

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Soulmate AU - You will only see shades of your soulmate's eyes until you meet them

Romania - Vladimir
Norway - Kristjan

For years on end all Vladimir has ever seen in the cool tones of blue. The sky a gradient of sky blue to a more richer, darker navy blue. The grass a vibrant teal, buildings coloured indigo. He fell in love with the colour blue. All he has ever seen since he was born was shades of blue. He loved the feeling of blue.

The way it cooled you down and relaxed you. The only thing he didn't love about the colour blue was that he was told many people bore blue eyes.

For Kristjan it was the complete opposite. He saw the fiery shades of red. It made him feel so passionate. Though he knew his chances of meeting someone with red eyes was pretty slim. As his older brother Mathias had said that he'd never seen someone with red eyes until he met Gilbert.

Kristjan loved each and every shade of red he could see. From the deepest red of wine and to the lightest of reds bleeding into a blush colour. It was all he needed. He knew he'd meet his one and only one day. He didn't care about the time it took.

The rain poured down and Vladimir was frantically running towards the bus. His back pack straps were twisted and felt uncomfortable against his shoulders but that didn't matter as much. He had a little brother that he needed to get back to as soon as possible. His parents were going out soon.

Still in this weather the blues looked wonderful. It was like being hit with a wave of freshness everywhere he looked. Something was always a new shade of blue.

The bus was there and he tried to run faster but just as he got to the stop, he missed it. The bus drove off and he was left there panting. A car whizzed passed him and splashed him. Great now his day got worse. He sat there on the bench waiting for the next bus and shivering. It really wasn't ideal to stay out in this weather.

"Need some help?" asked a accented voice. Vlad turned towards the source and saw a set of beautiful blue eyes. Deep and rich with colour. "Y-yeah.." he said and felt like everything slowed down.

Suddenly with a long release of breath, he saw an explosion of other colours. Greens, yellows, pinks. You name it. He saw it. When it all settled down and he saw the greys of the pavement underneath his feet, he grinned. His soulmate had helped him in a time of need.

Kristjan raised his eyebrow as soon as he saw the colours of day to day life. Inside he was giddy that he found his soulmate. Right now his concern was getting his new found love to safety.

"I need to go!" stated Vladimir suddenly and looked at the times of the next busses home. None too soon though. "Where?" asked Kristjan. "Home... my little brother is probably all alone." whined Vladimir. He was sad to think that little Andrei could be on his own in their house.

Kristjan passed him his helmet. "I'll give you a ride." remarked Kristjan.

Vladimir followed him to the awaiting motorcycle and swallowed nervously. He'd never been on one before. Kristjan got on and signalled for Vlad to get on as well.

During the journey on the bike, he got to look at his soulmate a bit more. A few tattoos up and down the mans arms. A few piercings on his ears. And a side shaven head.

It was sooner than Vlad would've liked when they turned up at his house. His parents were just leaving the house when Vlad got off the bike. He took the helmet off and looked around at the various different colours. It was all new to him. All intoxicating. "Will I see you again?" asked Vladimir. He didn't want to meet his soulmate and then never see them again.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow for a date." remarked Kristjan with a smirk. Vladimir smiled shyly. A date? He'd never been on one of those either but it looked like he was doing a lot of new things recently.

"I'm Vladimir." he stated. This made him receive a charming smile from his soulmate. "Kristjan..." murmured his soulmate. He stood there as he watched Kristjan rush off on his motorbike. "Who was that honey?" asked his Mother as he approached the house.

He sighed in a dream like manner. "My soulmate..." he said before walking indoors. He just hoped that they'd love each other as much as his parents loved each other. He already knew he was falling for the man with ocean blue eyes and tattoos etched on his skin... 

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