Karma's A Bitch, That's Me - 2p! America x Female! Reader

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Prompt: ...They did what... to you?
I will make them pay.
You're fucking mine. And nobody, nobody, lays a goddamn finger on you.

2P! America - Allen

Y/N trembled as she stepped through the door. "Allen!" she called out feebly. Her bruised body showed that she had been in some sort of conflict. "Allen..." she called out again, this time in a choked sob. She just wanted the bad tempered American to hold her tight and tell her it's all okay.

She heard the thundering footsteps come down the stairs and there he was standing before her in the dim lighting. "Babydoll?" he questioned walking forwards slowly. All Y/N did was fall into his arms in an unconscious state. He looked over her wounds and felt a rush of sadness and anger wash over him.

Whoever did this will pay and he'll make sure of that. He stayed by her side until she woke up. Containing his anger enough to not walk out the front door and hunt them down. He was devastated that his girl, his babydoll had gotten stabbed.

Y/N awoke hours later to the dull throbbing on pain in her side. "Allen?" she asked. Allen sat beside her and held her hand in both of his. Her dainty hand. She looked so fragile. "Babydoll? Tell me what happened." he tried to encourage her.

She looked hesitant at first. "I promise I'm not mad at you." he cooed. Y/N took one look into those red eyes and took a deep breath. It wasn't that she was scared of telling Allen, it was that she was scared of what Allen will do.

So she recounted the tale to Allen who listened intently. "...so they ended up attacking me. I managed to get home just in time I guess." she ended her tale and Allen looked livid. His red eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched and a frown on his brow.

He so clearly resembled an angered wolf who was going to protect his clan. ".... They did what... to you?" he asked through clenched teeth. The tanned American had venom within his words. He was clearly disgusted with the thought of those pigs. "They tried to rape me but when they couldn't get what they wanted, they attacked me." responded Y/N in a low voice.

"Allen don't do anything please!" she cried once she saw him get up and pace around. She knew he was thinking. Choosing rather. A choice between staying here and going to find those men. "Do you know what they look like?" he asked. Those ruby eyes were wild. Bloodthirsty.

Y/N shook her head. "I'm getting Matt to stay with you. I'll be back later." said Allen. "No!" she cried and gripped Allen's arm as he came close to her. The inked skin under her fingers felt taut. The muscles tensed in anger. "I will make them pay..." he seethed and pulled himself away. He picked up his bat and shrugged on his bomber jacket. She didn't like this side of him. He got aggressive, he sounded like he had malice in his voice towards everyone. He got bloodthirsty and he danced on the line of insanity.

"Allen stop!" she shouted. Allen froze in the doorway and turned around. Suddenly she felt little and powerless. There was no bringing Allen back now. "You're fucking mine. And nobody, nobody, lays a goddamn finger on you." he snapped before disappearing out the door. 

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