Change? - Nordics & Norway

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Has some Norway x Denmark in this

Denmark - Mathias
Norway - Lukas
Iceland Eirikur
Finland - Timo
Sweden - Berwald

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked his younger brother. Already he was shaking in his seat. There was no going back after this. A decision that was going to last him for a very long while. He felt like all eyes were on him. That if he even did so much as raise his fingers, someone was going to yell at him.

He was buzzing too. He was excited that he finally decided to make a big change. Sure he's done changes before but it's been nothing like this....

His brother Eirikur held the entire fate of this decision in his hands. Though he's been trained in this special art and has been doing it for years now. "Yes, I'm ready." he murmured though his voice was shaky.

It's like second nature to him at this point. Everything seemed very loud to Lukas right now. His heart hammering against his chest as heard the very first snip. Oh dear what if he regretted it? Is it too late to back out now? No... No... he was going to stick with this decision. If he didn't like it, he could wear hats until it grew out again.

Each snip brought him more and more on edge than the last. He remembered when he was younger, he hated his hair being cut, he always cried and threw a tantrum. He wanted it long like the vikings his Dad used to tell him about in stories.

Just as Lukas thought it was finished, he heard the buzzing. Here comes stage two. He felt it go over his scalp, once, twice and a third. Each side of his head lost the silky hair it once held. Eirikur did the same to the back of his head. Soon he felt his brother moving his hair and tousling it.

"Done." remarked Eirikur with a proud lift to his voice. Immediately Lukas jumped out of his seat and ran to the nearest mirror. There it was, his hair. His new hairstyle staring back at him. He's gotta admit that it looked really good. He admired it for some time before going back down to his brother. "Thank you.." he uttered.

Eirikur smiled. "Use this to style it. You'll only need a small blob of it. If you need anything else doing, I'll happily do it."

Lukas nodded and took the information in as he grabbed the small pot of hair gel. This was going to be so unusual for him. Later that evening, he sat down at the table with his friends, brother and boyfriend. They stared at him. "What did you do to your hair?" asked Mathias.

Mathias seemed to start crying as he ran his fingers through Lukas' hair. "Eirikur cut it for me." responded Lukas nonchalantly. He made it seem like it wasn't a big deal but he was nervous about Mathias' reaction.

"I love it but I love your long hair better." remarked Mathias wiping away the stray tears. Neither of them knew why he found Lukas' hair cut to be an emotional thing.

Mathias gave Lukas a kiss on the forehead and they continued on to other conversation topics. Lukas felt all fuzzy and happy knowing Mathias liked it and knowing that he himself liked his short hair. 

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