I Used To.... - Netherlands x Denmark

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Prompt - "Remember when I used to make you laugh" 

Netherlands - Tim
Denmark - Mathias

It's been months since Mathias had been home. At least to his home in Denmark that is. He'd been living in Holland for a while now with his fiancé. Tim, his beautiful fiancé. A man with a sharp jawline and a piercing gaze. A face set so serious as if it were made of stone. A gruff voice that sent shivers down anyone's spine and a threatening aura that made anyone think twice about messing with him.

The same man who looked at Mathias with childlike wonder, with crinkled eyes and a wide smile on his lips. Rosy cheeks that matched the emotion of love in Tim's eyes in which he gazed at Mathias with. A bubbly personality that wanted and needed the love and attention. A man full of love to give, so kindhearted that it made Mathias' heart swell with joy.

Tim and only Tim could pull off two extremes. Mathias was hopelessly in love with Tim. And Tim loved Mathias just as much. So it was unclear when the days seemed to start getting grey. The words of love no longer rolling in waves off their tongues and hearts no longer beating to the same tune.

Love between the two got rocky with waves of emotions that clearly were stronger than any ocean ever could be. A wave of emotions that seemed to drown out their love in a tsunami of stress, hatred and anger. They seemed to of forgotten why they fell in love in the first place.

Mathias clenched his fists and without thinking his fist hit the drywall with a loud bang. His anger always got the best of him, being hot headed was never good. Either he destroyed people with his words or he'd easily get aggressive and would be up to fight anyone. He'd smash things, throw things, swear and scream. He'd do anything to get rid of his anger.

Taking a deep breath that was as shaky as his adrenaline filled body, he gathered his emotions and went downstairs. The Danish man was no longer in the mood to try and push for an answer from the Dutchman. Tim was being as stubborn as ever and wouldn't reveal his problems.

He stopped inside the kitchen and just stood there trying to calm himself down. He'll apologise to Tim later, clear this whole mess up but the storm would only ignite again a day or two later. All it seemed to be lately was Tim and him arguing. It was over silly things really but to them it seemed like the biggest thing in the world.

Instead of telling him face to face, Mathias left a note, 'staying out for a bit. - M'

Hours later, Tim cracked open the door checking for any signs of the angry Dane. When he deemed it safe, he ventured out to find him. He must've calmed down from their fight earlier. He wanted to talk about breaking up because it wasn't working out. All they ever did was argue. All they ever seemed to do was the same routine filled with hatred.

He saw the note and saw the ring. Immediately he felt a tugging sensation at his chest and then a sinking feeling. Tim picked up the ring in his slender fingers and felt a pang of regret. Maybe he went too far this time. Maybe he shouldn't of said what he said.

So he sat in the living room, staying up all night in wait for his loving Dane. Though it was a couple of days before he received any notification of his whereabouts. Three days of feeling like the world had crashed around him, the claws of sadness clawing at his insides and threatening to tear his heart apart.

'Your favourite coffee shop, be there in half an hour.'

Was all that Mathias put. He was coming up to the small cafe, each step drowning him in waves of doubt. Tim didn't want to end this. Not anymore but he didn't know if there was any love left to give on either side.

He swallowed the lump in his throat as he opened the door. He immediately spotted Mathias. Though his eyes lingered over his body. The Danish man was clad in a shirt and a pair of new looking jeans and some smart shoes. His hair slicked down. He looked serious. Tim hasn't seen him like this many times. Though the Dutchman must admit Mathias cleaned up nice.

Mathias gestured for Tim to sit down. "You look like shit." remarked Mathias, noting what Tim was wearing. A pair of sweats and an oversized jumper with his hair out of it's usual style. He looked gaunt with faint circles under his eyes and a mouth down turned at the corners. This was the look of a sad man.

Tim didn't respond. Instead he looked down at the plate full of his usual sweet treat and a cup of liquid caffeine in front of him. Small wisps of steam arose from the chocolate coloured drink.

It took at few minutes before they were talking things over. Tim was left in shock with silent tears running down his face. Mathias just looked at the table with furrowed brows. "I guess this is it..." whispered Tim. It felt as though his soul had just left his body. It hurt. Everything hurt.

He didn't know how long they sat there together just in silence and thinking things over. Several drinks later, Tim was curled up next to the window and watched as the rain fell from the sky and landed harshly on the ground. He all but forgot Mathias' presence.

"Remember when I used to make you laugh?" asked Mathias. Tim huffed but looked over into those dreamy blue eyes. The memories came back. Mathias' tomfoolery, the back fired pranks, the sleep talk that made no sense.

Tim nodded and wiped the tears away with his sleeve. Mathias reached across the table and took Tim's hand in his. "We can go back to that," Mathias said. Tim scoffed. "No we can't.." he mumbled and got up. He left money on the table and went to walk outside.

Mathias ran after him and stopped him from walking away. "I know you're hurting Tim. I know because I've got the same pain. It won't go away unless we work it out." explained Mathias gently. Every word was setting off the time bomb of their relationship that dangled by a thread.

He brought his hand up to Tim's face and cupped his chin. "Tim, we can work it out. We can start again or we can pick up where we left off. I don't want to lose you. Not after all these years." said Mathias in a gentle tone. He looked down at the ground briefly, tears escaping his eyes and eyelashes sweeping the tops of his cheeks.

"I want that Mathias but I don't know if there's any love there anymore." responded Tim. His voice was quiet and his body language showed he wasn't sure of anything he was saying. Mathias pulled Tim into a kiss. One that sent shivers down both their spines and kick-started their hearts.

Pulling away slightly, he smiled softly and tiredly. He rested his forehead against Tim's, not caring about the rain one bit. With a sigh he softly uttered a sentence he meant with all his heart

"Maybe we just have to fall in love again." 

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