Perkele - Sweden x Finland

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Denmark - Magnus
Norway - Sigve
Sweden - Denmark

It was years ago when he was but a curious teen. He followed Sigve and his, Berwald's, stupid brother, Magnus, down to the woods. He could remember it clearly. The day his fate unwound...

"C'mon Ber!" called out Magnus dragging along Sigve behind him. The poor Norwegian didn't look very happy about being dragged by Magnus. Berwald stood from his place next to his Far's car. "What?" asked Berwald crossing his arms and glaring at his older brother.

It's still unbelievable how he's the older brother. "We're going on an adventure!" chirped the Dane. Sigve just stared at the floor. Like he normally does. Sometimes he'll speak. Witty comments, sarcastic remarks and definitely to chide Magnus.

"Where?" asked Berwald. Inky blue eyes locked with his own and he felt a chill run up the length of his spine. "The forest." replied the Norwegian coolly. Berwald scoffed. "What's so special about the forest?" he asked kicking at the dirt beneath his feet. "Not that forest, the other one. So, are yer in?" remarked Magnus with a mischievous smile.

Berwald's movements faltered. The grumble of an excuse died on his lips. It couldn't be that forest. Anyone but that. Though he was curious. There was legends, whispers of it. He himself didn't know what was so bad about it. They were just stories after all.

The trio picked up their bikes and cycled to the forest. They stopped on the hill before the entrance. "Holy fuck." whispered Magnus. Berwald just nodded. The trees didn't look right. Grey, black and twisting. Gnarling branches. There was no leaves. Just the skeletal trees.

"We shouldn't be here." Berwald hissed to Magnus. Sigve on the other hand started towards the trees, muttering to himself. Magnus was about to argue with Berwald that he shouldn't be such a wuss. Instead he stared after Sigve.

It took the brothers only a few seconds before jogging to catch up to their Norwegian friend. "Sigve! Wait up!" called out Magnus just as the Norwegian stepped foot inside the forest. Magnus stood beside Sigve and shivered. Berwald agreed mentally. The forest didn't look so appealing up close either. Much bigger, much creepier. Still he refused to call it scary.

"Something's in there." stated Sigve. His voice sounded far away. Taking deep breaths, the trio walked in. They were only a little ways in but the light seemed to be fading fast. Crows cawed and it only sounded like taunting laughter. Sigve stopped again and his eyes closed in concentration. He opened his eyes again and started to run through the trees. Jumping and ducking under roots.

"Sig! Sigve! Sigve, wait!" shouted Magnus as the two older boys ran after their little friend. It was hard keeping up with Sigve. He was nimble and quick. "Sigve!" screeched Magnus as he slowed down to avoid hitting Sigve. The boy turned and pushed a hand over the Dane's mouth. With a gentle shh, he darted his eyes around the surrounding forest.

He opened and closed his mouth trying to form words but he needn't bother. Both the older boys could see the younger's body shaking. Visibly shaking. It seemed like it took a lot to make the Norwegian scared. "Something's here." he whispered. Magnus and Berwald looked around. Only now noticing the limited light and no sounds.

When Magnus met Sigve, his Mor had told him that Sigve had a special gift. One that made him space out a lot and talk to himself. "Sigve?" asked Magnus. His voice trembled and surprisingly it was quiet. The Norwegian listened, his eyes flickering between the two of the teens.

The pre-teen sighed. "It's gone now." he murmured and sat down in the dirt. His bottom lip quivered and his body jolted slightly. "Sig?" asked Magnus kneeling down beside the Norwegian. Sigve looked up with tears streaming down his face. "I want to go home! I want Mor!" he sobbed hugging his knees to his chest.

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