Quirky Roomates - Tomato Gang

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Netherlands - Tim
Belgium - Emma
Luxembourg - Amara
S. Italy / Romano - Lovino
Spain - Antonio
Portugal - Jo

Tim and Emma were driving back with shopping. They'd just done their weekly shop for the house and boy was it exhausting. All of them just had their different tastes in food and it was strange to shop for other people. Normally it'd be Emma shopping for just her brothers Amara and Tim and that would be it. Now after moving in with Lovino, Jo and Antonio the list only got longer.

Emma sighed as she unlocked the door. All the other boys were probably sleeping and she could make dinner in peace. Tim walked in behind her and immediately they regretted their thoughts of peace when a nerf dart flew straight into Tim's head. Everyone in the room stopped.

Tim was fine when he was in a peaceful mood but his anger was something they never wanted to see. So when Tim let out some laughter, they all had a sigh of relief. "Come on, we've gotta get shopping in." he said with a amused lilt to his voice.

They left their nerf guns on the floor and headed out to the car where they gathered up the shopping and put them away in the cupboards, fridge and freezer. When Lovino's head was turned, Tim picked up one of the nerf guns and shot Lovino. In return the Italian gave a glare and started firing back.

Immediately the fight picked up again. When all the foam bullets were in places they couldn't reach, they sighed and realised that it was nearing dinner. "Who's cooking?" asked Jo. A chorus of not me's was heard in return before Lovino pulled himself up. "I'll do it. All of you just rest." he remarked before heading out into the kitchen.

After dinner was served they all went to bed with happiness filling their hearts. Of course they did have arguments and they all had their separate lives but they made it work no matter how quirky they were. Most of their arguments were between Lovino, Antonio and Jo about who loved Emma more while Tim and Amara were just being protective over their sister.

Still Emma smiled at how much she adored the men she lived with but her heart would always belong to Antonio. 

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