I Need You - Finland x Norway

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Prompt - "I Need You"

Finland - Timo
Norway - Sigurd

The rain fell in fast rivulets but hit the ground softer than it seemed. The birds chirped and conversed of an oncoming storm. Sigurd lay in his bed listening to the rain and thinking about life.

He thought about the last few weeks. It made him feel guilty. All the horrible things he's said when he knows that Timo doesn't deserve it. Though Timo said some pretty harsh things himself in their fights recently.

The gentle tunes of the songs that were playing failed to drown out all the incessant thoughts that had plagued Sigurd's mind. Thinking back to all the shit he put Timo through and all the shit that Timo put him through, it was kind of a toxic relationship recently.

He needed out. He needed better and knew himself that he needed better than what he had with Timo. His dial tone rang out, the sole being who he didn't want to speak to at the moment was calling him.

"What do you want?" snapped Sigurd answering the phone with no pleasantries. Well Timo didn't deserve many pleasantries after their fight yesterday. "I'm picking you up in two days time for a date." responded the Finnish lad before hanging up the phone.

There was a knock at his door and he threw a pillow at it. "Go away!" he called out. "That's no way to treat your boyfriend." mumbled the Finnish man walking into the room. Sigurd huffed and felt annoyance at the punk's presence. "You couldn't of said you were coming round?" he asked looking up at the brown eyed punk. Timo shrugged off his jacket and sat down on the bed next to Sigurd.

"Y'know I like surprising you and you like surprises so there's a win win situation." he mused smirking at Sigurd's disgruntled expression. That's the thing about their relationship. Sigurd knew Timo like the back of his hand and Timo knew Sigurd just as well if not better than he knew himself.

The pastel goth rolled his eyes and cuddled closer to Timo despite hating him at the moment. It was a strange mix to hate someone but still love them just as much as you did the day you fell in love with them. "I'm sorry about yesterday..." started Timo looking into Sigurd's beautiful sapphire eyes. Captivating.

"I'm sorry too." murmured Sigud before looking down. Why did it hurt so much? Perhaps it was because he knew there would be a few good days before the storm of slurs and accusations started again. He felt Timo lightly grab his face and pull it up gently. "You don't need to look away." murmured Timo brushing purple hair away from Sigurd's face.

He moved his hand so he cupped the Norwegian's jaw and flickered his eyes down to his lips. "You never need to look away." he stated before kissing Sigurd. Sigurd tugged at the punk's hair and pulled him closer to his body as things started to heat up between the two...

They were on their way to this supposed date. Though he was sceptical that a date needed a bag full of clothes. It was dark out as they passed through a rather large forest area.

A heavy silence hung around the atmosphere within the car. Sigurd's throat was tight and his eyes burning with tears. Timo just clenched his jaw and gripped the steering wheel a bit too tightly. "All I'm saying is why don't you show me you love me at college?" asked the Norwegian male slowly sinking his teeth into his bottom lip. Timo huffed and grumbled something under his breath.

"Don't provoke the situation goth." he muttered bitterly to his boyfriend as he focused on the road. He listened as Sigurd pushed the situation further and further until he had to look over at him. It felt like something in his chest tugged as he took in the tears that fell slowly from those beautiful eyes and a trembling bottom lip.

Gauging the road and the situation, he quickly leaned over to kiss Sigurd. "I love you and you need to stop questioning it." he retorted to the Norwegian's earlier question. Timo noticed in his peripheral vision that there was a bright light coming closer and closer.

All the Finnish male could hear was the crunch of metal and shattering of glass. He felt himself get jolted around a lot before everything went black.

As soon as he woke up, he noticed the sound of flames crackling and coughed violently. He couldn't feel his leg. He couldn't feel his face. There was one thing he could feel and that was panic. Where was Sigurd? What happened? Where was he? Pushing himself up into a sitting position. Surveying the area around him, he was on a bit of dirt road. The snow around his leg was dyed crimson. There was certainly a big issue with his leg that he'd need to get addressed as soon as possible.

He spotted a body in the dim lighting not too far away. Was it the other driver? Was it Sigurd? Timo dragged himself towards the body. A wave of dread washed over his entire being and engulfed his soul. Sigurd.... No. He couldn't be. Timo pulled Sigurd onto his lap and cradled the pastel goth. His once purple hair turned black and the unblemished skin now holding several lacerations.

Pulling the phone nearest to the two towards him, Timo made sure that it could work before calling the ambulance. After the call, he looked down at his angel. This couldn't be happening. Of course he made mistakes in the relationship and was a bit too harsh at times but nothing could compare the sinking feeling in his body. He already knew what he didn't want to believe.

He didn't care about the blood that covered his hand as he pushed Sigurd's hair back away from his face. He didn't care about the pain in his leg and side. He didn't care about the shock of the situation, he just knew he needed one thing. Sigurd. Pressing a long kiss to Sigurd's lips, he waited for his boyfriend to kiss back, to show any signs of life aside from the shallow breathing and weak heart beat.

Then it stopped. The slow thumping rhythm of his lover's heart, the shallow, pain filled breathing, the life that had been taken away too early...

Heart wrenching cries wracked his body as he held Sigurd's body close to him. "Please wake up.." he cried between sobs as he rocked them back and forth. This was all a nightmare wasn't it? He was at the cabin and would wake up any moment to kisses and nibbles being placed on his neck.

"Please Sigurd..." he sobbed quietly, his voice cracking. He looked out to the wreck and the headlights that flickered in their dying moments. "I need you." 

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