Pillaging - Denmark x Norway

18 2 0

Prompt - "I stole a car last night"

Denmark - Mathias
Norway - Lukas 

Mathias waited in the house. His leg bouncing and lip chewed as his anxiety was fuelled by the absence of his Norwegian. Lukas wasn't seen since the other night at the bar.

The others had told him that Lukas would be fine and he wasn't missing. There was a sound of an engine being shut off. The Dane frowned. Neither of them took the car last night.

He opened the door and saw Lukas exiting a car. No, not as a passenger, but as the driver. "Where did this car come from?" asked Mathias. Maybe he used his brother's car to come home.

"I uh..." started the Norwegian. He glanced down at the floor and said the rest quietly. "What?" asked Mathias. The Norwegian glanced up at the Dane who was waiting impatiently for the answer. He just was relieved that Lukas wasn't hurt.

"I stole a car last night." Lukas managed to cough out the answer. The Dane didn't look angry at all. In fact he looked confused. Though both of them knew the answer. Alcohol. Strong stuff too.

He handed Mathias the keys and walked inside. Mathias was left staring at the pristine car that his boyfriend had stolen. Shaking his head with a smirk, he went inside with a knowing smile. This is how Gilbert usually gets drunk but to see his beloved boyfriend steal a car, made him think about their Viking days.

Lukas hadn't lost his pillaging touch. 

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