Ruby Kisses - Prussia x Hungary

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Prussia - Gilbert
Hungary - Elizabeta

This was the last time she was going to try and reason with him. He'd been seeing other girls behind her back and she knew that him being so infatuated with other girls meant somethings gotta change.

"Liebe." he called. The name sent shivers up her spine and she couldn't help that her heart sped up every time he looked at her or talked to her. She was so in love with Gilbert that she hated the thought of ending it with him.

Yes she was strong and independent but there was nothing like Gilbert, he let her be the strong woman she is and pampered her when she needed it. It all felt like lies. Another woman was probably getting the same treatment.

She walked over to him and there he was on bended knee with a box in his hand. "Elizabeta I know things have been rough lately, I've been trying my hardest to find out all the things you liked and planning this wasn't the easiest thing to do...." Gilbert started and already Elizabeta was tearing up.

Was he really doing this when he clearly wanted other girls. He wanted to be free. "Gil..." she started unable to find any of the words she wanted to say. Maybe she got it all wrong. Maybe all those girls he was speaking to was to do with this.

"Eliza... I've loved you for many years and I want to love you for many more. I love you so much and I don't want to lose you. That's why I'm asking you now... WIll you marry me?" he asked and opened the box. The ring was beautiful. A diamond in the middle and either side was small rubies. She nodded and he put the ring on her finger.

He pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her forehead.

Eliza pulled back and looked deep into those ruby eyes that's she's come to adore. Gilbert was pulled into a deep kiss. This was the best day of her life...

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