Trick Or Treat - Denmark & Iceland & Norway (Anko Family)

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Iceland - Ari
Norway - Kristjan
Denmark - Magnus

"C'mon!" whined Ari. He was eager to get out there with the other children and get some sweeties. They'd moved to America a few years back and this was going to be their first Halloween here.

Kristjan fussed around with Ari's outfit a little bit more before looking up at Magnus. Magnus, the eldest of the three was responsible in taking them out trick or treating.

The half-Danish lad looked around and scratched his head. "Going out now Mamma!" he called out before taking both Kristjan and Ari's hands in his own and walking them out the door.

It was fun for the most part. The three of them were Vikings. Ones that ruled the Northern sea and went to plunder the local village. They filled their buckets with goods that sufficed the three little Vikings and ran back home to show their Mamma.

Ari had a massive grin on his face and so did Kristjan. It was like the two younger ones were bouncing off the wall after having half of their sweets. Magnus smiled, happy that he spent some time bonding with his two half brothers.

To save his Mamma some grief, he took both the boys up to bed and tucked them in. He told them stories that their Mamma told him when he was younger. Slowly their eyes drooped and they fell into dreamland.

He carefully walked down the stairs, making sure to be quiet and not disturb his younger brothers. He was pulled into a warm hug. "Thank you so much Magnus, I'm really proud of you." his Mamma cooed. Magnus hugged back, pleased that he helped out his Mamma and made her proud. 

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