It's Not A Party - Nordics

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Prompt - "It's not a party until someone fucking dies"

Denmark - Mathias
Norway - Lukas
Iceland - Emil
Sweden - Berwald
Finland - Timo

Blood rushes through their veins and their minds full of alcohol induced thoughts. None of them care what they are doing and none of them seemed to think about it either.

They hurried out of the club, full of bubbling laughter. They couldn't believe such a time existed in their lives. It was definitely nice to wind down from the stressful week by having a few drinks. A bit to many in the boys' case.

They were loud like Vikings who'd just had a round of really, really good mead. Emil was the first to cross the road. He underestimated the timing and had to be pulled back quickly.

Before he was pulled to safety, the Swedish male let out a girlish scream. He pulled the Icelander into his chest and sobbed loudly. "It's not a party until someone almost fucking dies." remarked Mathias laughing. Even the Icelander laughed at his almost misfortune.

"Yer right, it's not a party until someone almost dies." said Lukas hugging Timo tight to his side with one arm. The other arm was waving about in the air while he contained the laughter within. It was too good to be true when hearing the Swede let out that girlish scream.

The best night of their lives...

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