The Colours Of Our Footprints - Female! Sweden x Female! Finland

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Soulmate AU - Soulmate's leave coloured footprints. 

Fem! Sweden - Maja
Fem! Finland - Lena

Lena huffed. She wondered if she actually had a soulmate. Lena a small Finnish girl with a heart bigger than life. She was selfless giving her spare time to volunteering for charities, dog walks and many other good causes. She wasn't the best at maths but that was okay because she was fantastic at everything else she did. She also had a very hot temper but that didn't normally show itself unless she was provoked.

Today however, she was on her way to work a shift at the bakery. As soon as she stepped out onto the main street, she saw pink footsteps from across the way. Hmmm. Soulmate? She pondered over the pink footprints on the ground all the while she got on with her shift at the cafe. No one else had them. She only saw one colour. Who was her soulmate?

Maja collected up her paint brushes. Today's art lesson didn't go so well. She failed the tiny test and her artwork didn't go according to plan. Of course stressing about it never helped so she thought that she'd treat herself to a treat. Probably from the nearest bakery.

The Swedish girl stepped out on to the busy main street and noticed something different on the ground. Something eye catching. Lilac footprints. Curious, she followed them.

They led to the bakery she was going to. As soon as she entered the bakery, she was hit with an aroma of what could only be the delicious smell of vanilla and coffee. A latte sounded nice right about now.

"Hi! What can I get you?" asked Lena. At least that's what Maja could gain from the name tag. "I'll have a vanilla latte and a slice of red velvet cake please," responded Maja. Lena was cute.

Lena couldn't believe her eyes. The girl in front of her was beautiful. It was like an angel walked into the store. Even if that meant angels wore paint splattered dungarees and a messy bun with a paint brush behind her ear. So this girl was an artist. "I'll bring it over to you in a moment miss." she smiled as she spoke so the words came out all bubbly and friendly.

One thing she noticed about the girl as she went to sit down was the trail of pink footprints behind her. Was this her soulmate? Her beautiful angel of a soulmate?

Maja waited patiently for her sweet treats after today's mishap. She watched as Lena came over. Leaving lilac footprints on the floor behind her. Maja's eyes widened. This girl who she happened to bump into at a bakery was her soulmate. A small smile came to Maja's face.

"What's your name?" asked Lena. "Maja. It's Maja." responded the Swedish girl with a small stumble in her words. Lena sat down with her. "Mind if I get to know you?" asked the Finnish girl. Maja shook her head. "I'd love to get to know my soulmate." stated Maja softly and adjusted her glasses. She loved the smile it brought out on Lena's face.

Both of them giggled and talked until the shop was closing. "I hope I can see you again." Maja said shyly. Lena grinned and wrote down her phone number on Maja's hand. "Of course you're going to see me again. I'm not going to let you go now I know who you are." stated Lena and leaned up to kiss Maja's cheek.

With one last hug they departed and couldn't help but let out a love filled sigh as they both walked towards their separate homes. 

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