Gorgeous - Denmark x Norway

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Denmark - Magnus
Norway - Lukas

Magnus grinned as he walked through the halls. Prom was coming up and he was stoked. He knew he wanted to ask his boyfriend to come with him. "Lukas!" he called out excitedly as he rushed towards the paler blond.

Said male turned to acknowledge the Danish man and smiled. "Yes?" he asked in a smooth voice. Magnus stopped in his tracks for a moment. The scene was perfect.

The trees gently blooming with tiny flowers of pink and white. A gentle breeze carrying petals softly around the air. The light golden strands of the Norwegian's hair blew elegantly. The lighting hitting his skin so perfectly.

It was truly breathtaking. The azure eyes peering out from curling lashes. A slight pout on those rose coloured lips. So plump and kissable. Magnus sighed and stepped up to Lukas slowly. He swallowed all his nerves.

What's the point of being nervous when he's known Lukas for years. Slowly he cupped Lukas' cheeks and took in how soft and supple the skin was underneath is fingertips. His eyes flickered over the face before him.

The slight stubble gracing the jawline. The slight part in plump lips that he knew he kissed ten times as much as he looked at them. His eyes glanced over the freckles that dusted the cheek bones and the bridge of his lover's nose.

He brushed his thumbs against the cheeks of his significant others face and leaned in for a kiss. It was soft and you could feel the love emanating between them.

Slowly Magnus pulled away from the kiss. "I love you," he said in a hushed manner. It felt right to say it just then. Three simple words that held so much meaning.

Lukas held his hand on top of Magnus' and smiled brightly. "I love you too," he responded with sincerity. Magnus linked his hand with Lukas and smiled sweetly. He'd ask him to prom later tonight after he takes him on a well deserved date.

With two little words he brought forth a flurry of emotions and a coy look from the Norwegian. Those two little words were only the truth that made his heart flutter every time he looked in the direction of the Norwegian.

He looked up at Lukas through his lashes and muttered, "You're gorgeous."

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