First Love - Sealand x Reader

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Sealand - Peter 
Reader - Y/N

Peter was deep in thought as he was picked up from school. He'd found a lovely girl that everyone seemed to be attracted to. Her name was (Y/N). Completely beautiful.

As soon as he got home he saw his uncles sitting in their usual places doing their usual things. "How was school?" asked Lukas looking up from his book. "Good." responded Peter absentmindedly. He dropped his back and went straight to his room after waving hi to Emil and Mathias.

When he got to his room, he flopped on his bed and grinned. He couldn't stop thinking of her. The way her haired flowed or the way the sun made her skin glow. Or... or even the smile she does. Don't get him started on that cute little giggle.

Oh he was smitten. Does he like Y/N? Of course. Why wouldn't he? The question was did he love her. What was love? Was it the way his heart skipped a beat when he was near her. Or was it the way his stomach seemed to do somersaults.

"PETER! DINNER!" called out his Isä. The Finnish male was only half of the two people that made up his awesome parents. Pulling himself out of bed, he wandered down the stairs and towards the dining table. Did he really spend hours thinking of Y/N?

Peter sat at the table and just spaced out into a dreamland full of just him and Y/N and no one else. "Peter? What are you thinking about?" asked his other dad. "Nothing." responded Peter quickly before starting to eat his food.

Though one of his uncles just had to speak up. "I bet he's thinking about all the pretty girls at his school." remarked Mathias smirking. Peter rolled his eyes but felt his cheeks light up. Why did he have to blush at such a normal question?

"Oh so it is a girl. Details. I need details Pete." Mathias said stunned that he actually guessed something right. "Tell us about her." said Tino softly. Tino tried to encourage the young lad. Peter honestly didn't know where to start.

How does he start describing the most beautiful girl he's seen? "Well she has these captivating e/c and the most soft and silky looking h/c I've seen. Not to mention she's completely beautiful and she so kind. She helps others and her smile is gorgeous. Her giggle is cute and infectious...." Peter trailed off noticing his family staring at him.

"I'm rambling aren't I?" he asked sheepishly. "Sounds like the perfect catch. Why don't you ask her out?" questioned Lukas. That was a question that he had expected Mathias to ask. Peter groaned. "Everyone wants to ask her out. I can't even compete with all the other boys." remarked Peter putting himself down and out of any sort of chance with the mysterious girl.

After dinner, he helped clean up the plates with his Uncle Emil. The others were setting up a film to watch since Thursdays were usually their movie nights. "What does she like?" asked Emil rolling up his sleeves on his jumper. "I don't know. She seems to like different things compared to the normal girl stuff." responded Peter.

"Hmm. Tough to think of for a girl that's not into the usual muscles and dumb chocolates. Then again it's tough to think what girls like." responded his Icelandic Uncle. Once they had finished Emil had told Peter of a plan. "How'd you think of that plan?" asked Peter.

"How'd you think I got Leon to date me?" retorted the Icelander.

The next day Peter was nervous as the Icelander dropped him off at school. Who knew how the plan was going to pan out. As he took a deep breath, Emil reassured him that everything was going to go fine. "Good luck." with those last words from Emil, he walked off into that place full of courage. Might as well give it a go.

There you were. You were talking to your friends and laughing over something. In Peter's hands were a small cupcake and a flower. "Hey Y/N?" he spoke up. You stopped talking to your friends and turned around to see the nervous English boy. It was now or never.

"Hiya Peter." you chimed with your usual smile. Peter felt his nervousness come back seeing you but he forced himself to get over it. You watched as Peter held out a flower and a cupcake. "Thank you so much Peter." you responded.

Peter froze for a moment or two. You didn't turn down his gift. You accepted so warmly. What was it that Emil told him? The best thing to do is be blunt.

"I like you Y/N and I was wondering if you'd like to come play some video games at my house." Peter said in a rush. He heard your soft laughter and felt regret fill his body. "Peter..." you started. Peter sucked in a breath and he felt stupid. Why didn't he just stay your friend instead of trying to get out of the friendzone.

"I like you too. What games have you got?" you asked with a coy smile. Peter was shocked to say the least but he managed to stammer out some answer. "M-Mario Kart, Mario Party 8. Just dance. I do have others but I can't remember them." responded Peter. He heard your beautiful laugh again and it reminded me of how smitten he was with you.

You tilted your head and grinned. "After school? Sure. It's a date." you responded and pressed a kiss to Peter's cheek. After you were out of sight, he felt happiness bubble up inside him. He must really thank Emil when he gets home. Quickly he got out a text to make a forewarning to his parents.

~Bonus Ending~

Peter walked through the door of his house and into the living room where his family was sitting. "How'd it go Pete?" asked Mathias smirking smugly. The Danish male's eyes widened as he saw the girl that was with Peter. "Is this the beautiful girl you've been talking about?" asked Tino.

Peter nodded and looked over to Emil. He mouthed a thank you. Emil only responded with a smile and a thumbs up. "What's your name? I'm Peter's Dad, Tino. And that's his other Dad Berwald. Those are his Uncles, Mathias, Lukas and Emil. And that's his brother Erland." said Tino cheerily.

"Oh, I'm Y/N. It's really nice too meet you all.." you responded. You blushed as you realised what he said Peter described you as. You quickly kissed Peter's cheek and hid your face in his shoulder.

Maybe this was your first love....

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