Shopping Trip - Finland x Sweden Soulmate AU

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Finland - Timo
Sweden - Berwald

They were best friends. Both looking for their soulmate and never quite seeing what was in front of their eyes. Most of it was trivial little injuries. Paper cuts, small burns, sun burns, twisted ankles. All of those were played off as moving their hand too quick while reading a book or simply not noticing it for a few hours.

Berwald was a careful man but he knew that he was clumsy and could get small injuries very easily. Both of the men in question lived together with three others. A pair of brothers and a rather childish man.

Timo was in the kitchen baking with Lukas when he realised that he'd forgotten to get an important ingredient. "I'll return shortly." Timo remarked grabbing his jacket and walked out the door. Hopefully it wouldn't take long.

Timo sighed and walked out of the store. He had gotten some other things that were getting a bit low. He felt eyes on him. He felt unsafe. It was late and the lights were on. "Hey look at this one." called out a voice. It sent shivers up his spine. He knew that he could take on these guys if he wanted.

He decided to ignore them for now. Maybe they'd go away. "Hey baby boy, come over here." one of the men called out to him. Timo gritted his teeth. Just keep walking, don't respond. They'll soon get tired of trying to get something they can't.

"Hey! We're talking to you!" called out one of the men and he managed to pull back Timo by his jacket. Timo turned round his anger slowly rising. "I would appreciate it if you left me alone." Timo seethed. His jaw clenched and he looked away from the man.

The other knocked his bag out of his hands and sneered. "Well why would we leave a cutie like you." responded the man who had just knocked his shopping on the floor. Timo's hands twitched. He hasn't fought in years.

They were both drunk and both just as smarmy as each other. "I'm warning you..." Timo stated. The men before him were just about the same height as him. The two guys laughed. "Look! The little flower's trying to threaten us." mocked the brown haired guy.

Timo's anger was rising and he wouldn't hesitate to relieve it on these two fools. "Come on little mouse, we just want to have fun." cooed the man. Timo pushed the guy off of him and sneered at them. Slobs. "That's cute that he's trying to fight back." the other one slurred.

The guy he just pushed off was obviously angry and lunged at Timo with rage in his eyes. "Why won't you just submit already!" he cried out. Timo was having none of this and pushed the guy away. You're supposed to give three warnings before you use self-defence. "I'm warning you.. I know self-defence." remarked Timo standing his ground.

"Shut up and get on your knees." snarled the attacker. "I'm warning you.... I know self-defence." stated Timo as calmly as he could. The attacker was right in his face. "That's it. I'm done being nice. You'll get what you deserve." the attacker snarled before going to punch Timo.

Just in time he ducked and the man hit the wall. He had forgotten about the other who wrapped his arm around his neck to cut off Timo's breathing. Timo flipped the man over and the other attacker managed to land a punch to his face.

It was a long fight. Timo wasn't in the best shape. His lip was cut and his head was bleeding. Not to mention the sore parts of his body that were going to bruise. He even thought his nose was broken at one point but at least those attackers wouldn't mess with him again.

Walking into the house at long last, he went straight to the kitchen and put the shopping away. "Timo..." called out Lukas as he came into the kitchen. Lukas took one look at the Finnish male and made him sit down.

"What happened to you?" asked Lukas eyeing the slightly shorter blonde's injuries. "Berwald has got the exact same injuries and he was just sitting there reading." remarked Lukas as he got a cold cloth. Timo furrowed his brow. How could Berwald get such injuries if he was just sitting at home reading.

"I think you might be soulmates." deduced Lukas as he set about cleaning up the blood. "Can you take off your shirt please." stated Lukas. Timo wasn't about to protest. He took off the bloody shirt and his friend's eyes widened. "TImo! You should've gotten help immediately." he worried over Timo's rather large gash.

Berwald came into the kitchen, assisted by Mathias. Mathias shared the equipment with Lukas to clean up the injuries Berwald had.

They were both sitting silently in the kitchen. "You should get some rest." remarked Berwald. The two were slowly getting it into their head's that they were soulmates. It was rather and unusual sight to see. They shared a connection through their injuries. No wonder there were a lot of cuts and bruises that went unexplained over the years.

"Same with you." responded Timo. He was still bitter over the attackers and the pain was finally kicking in. They weren't exactly over the moon at the moment. Both more concerned about the other's physical health.

Berwald stood up and made his way round the table to Timo. He grasped the Finnish lad's hand and pulled him up slowly. "Then rest with me." murmured Berwald grasping Timo's hand.

The two walked up to Berwald's room and laid down on the soft bed. It was much appreciated after today. Timo rested his head on Berwald's chest and sighed. What a way to find out you were soulmates with your best friend.

No words were needed between the two. They were content in each other's company. Berwald sniffled and hugged Timo closer. Truth be told, Berwald was scared. He was scared that either him or Timo wouldn't be able to see each other.

"I was so scared.." confessed Berwald lowly. Tears slowly escaped his eyes and his breathing was laboured. Timo looked up at Berwald and shifted his position so he could wipe away the Swede's tears. He hushed his now boyfriend and pressed a soft but reassuring kiss to the older's lips.

"I'm here now. I'm here now." cooed Timo calming down the gentle giant. Berwald's cries softly receded into sniffles and hiccups.

"I don't ever want to lose you." Berwald mumbled. Timo smiled softly and pressed another loving kiss to Berwald's lips. They were silent once again. Timo bit his lip. He pondered over whether he should say what he was going to say. So he did. He uttered the words so softly on his tongue that Berwald had to wonder if his heart could take much more of Timo's sweetness. The words slipped past Timo's lips between passionate kisses in the dark.

"You won't. Not now, not ever. I'm your soulmate. Yours and yours alone." 

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