My Pyromaniac - 2P! Denmark x 2P! Norway

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2P Denmark - Markell
2P Norway - Lokki

Markell was sick. Sick was an understatement. He had nearly everything wrong with him at once. The sparkly Norwegian was quick to list them all. Ranging from severe migraine to flu and bronchitis. Lokki forced him to stay in bed and refused to let him do anything by himself. "Lokki go away." snapped Markell. This was not what he wanted. He just wanted to relax and let this all blow over.

His worrisome boyfriend thought otherwise. Markell huffed and pulled himself up into a sitting position. Reaching over to the side table, he searched for his lighter and pack of smokes. "Where are my cigarettes?" asked Markell grumpily. Lokki fiddled with his fingers and sheepish look on his face.

Still the normally talkative Norwegian was now silent. "Where are my cigarettes?" asked Markell again but this time in a more darker tone. No one had come in between him and his beloved cigarettes in years. The last person that did didn't do so well.

"I sort of hid them. Okay, no, I didn't sort of, I definitely hid them. I mean look at you, you're so pale and losing a lot of weight because you're sick. I know you might be angry at me but you're sick." blabbered Lokki. Markell slid back down in the covers suddenly feeling cold.

Markell wouldn't argue. Despite the need for the nicotine, he knew that he shouldn't fight against all these illnesses. He was going to be sick for a long time and he thought that Lokki already knew that. The covers seemed like they didn't even help his sudden chill.

Lokki disappeared taking with him the uneaten food. He came back and sat down on the edge of the bed. Placing his hand onto the Dane's forehead he tutted. "Your fever is still high." Lokki remarked before dampening the washcloth again and laying the now cooler flannel on the Dane's forehead.

Markell wouldn't say how much he appreciated his boyfriend doing this for him. "Do you need anything else?" asked Lokki after Markell had finished his abrupt coughing fit. Markell nodded and opened up the covers slightly.

Lokki shook his head. "I'll get sick." he whined. Markell just grumbled something about this being a one time offer even though both of them knew that it'd happen time and time again.

Sighing, the Norwegian got in the bed beside his lover and hugged him tight. He waited until the older male was asleep.

"I hope these things clear away soon. I hate seeing you so sick and frail. It hurts me to see you like this." murmured the Norwegian looking up at Markell with eyes full of tears. It scared him so when Markell got like this. It was once a year when he just seemed to get 5 illnesses at once.

"I love you." said Lokki pressing a kiss to Markell's forehead. Markell smiled that really rare smile and opened his eyes slightly. He said one thing before they settled down for the night.

"I love you and think the world of you Lokki. Never forget that." 

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