I Don't Want You - Finland x Sweden

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Finland - Timo
Sweden - Berwald

"I'm sick and tired of you always being there." that was the first thing Timo had said to him. Berwald looked down, long lashes fanning over cheekbones. Tears resided in his eyes as he stared at the floor. He'd never heard Timo this angry in his life.

It wasn't a calm sort of anger which he'd seen from Mathias. It wasn't a silent fuming that Lukas always seemed to do when someone annoyed him. It also wasn't the cynical remarks and snarky comments that Emil seemed to do to hide his anger. It was the sort that left you shaking.

The sort that left you unsure if you're an adult or you've reverted back to a child. One that if subjected to the dead, would shake their bones and send a chill up their spines.

"Timo ple-" started Berwald before he shut himself up. There was no point trying to reason with someone whose temper had sky rocketed. "You... It's always been you. Babying me. Telling me what to do and what not to do. You were ruling my life." sneered Timo.

It wasn't a pretty sight. Far from the serene Finn that he'd normally see. This was the very Finn that kept his temper in check but here he was clearly seeing red. "You can't just throw me away." muttered Berwald. He was surprised he even spoke. Though the words he did mutter were wavering and it was clear he was on the brink of tears.

The Finnish man just glared at the Swede. "I can do what I want, when I want and how I want. I don't want you overruling my life any longer." he snapped with a hate filled glare. "I love you." spoke Berwald in a timid voice. He shuffled to the doorway and waited for a response. The one he got before he left pulled at his heart strings and made it hard to breathe.

"Yeah? Well... I don't love you." 

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