Christmas Surprise - Prussia x Canada

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Prussia - Gilbert
Canada - Matthew

It was snowing that December. For once the German city of Berlin was covered in snow. Gilbert was pleased but still his heart longed to be hours away in a completely different country where the love of his life was. He gazed over at the photos on his wall.

The two boys in them were smiling in various locations. A hundred different places captured in a single moment. From when they were 18 and just having fun on holidays. To a moment from earlier this year. Standing on the coast of Spain with large smiles painting their faces.

Sighing, Gil pulled them down, every single one. And put them in a box. A box filled of memories once passed. A small smile spread across his lips as he realised the little bit of sadness doesn't matter. He'll be making more memories soon.

"Plane leaves in 2 hours...." stated the voice of his brother from the doorway. He looked up at the German. Soft blue eyes that seemed to hold sadness. "I'll be back Ludwig. At least for a couple weeks at a time." remarked Gil picking up his duffel bag.

This was it. This was his decision. Well partly his decision. Though it was nothing he didn't want. A nice cosy life somewhere other than the bustling city. Somewhere with his lover. Pulling Ludwig into a hug he smiled with a sense of sadness. "I'm going to miss you brother." he murmured. Ludwig said nothing but hugged back just that little bit tighter.

Matthew sighed as he stirred the coffee in the mug. Small plumes of steam rose from the hot liquid. A knock at the door surprised him. Getting up he walked over to the front door and braced himself. It could be his brother and he'd end up kicking him out again for disturbing the peace. Or he could actually spend a bonding day with his brother without having to tell him off for being a dick.

Opening the door, he didn't expect what he saw on the other side. He laughed and turned around. No. No way. This wasn't happening. A wide smile showed on his face and he couldn't help but pull the other man into a hug. All white hair and red eyes. A gaze full of love. A man he couldn't dream of living without.

"Merry Christmas Mattie..." he cooed in that gorgeous voice of his. And suddenly, everything was slowly falling into place. All their plans that they spoke about over the years. Just everything was going perfect and Matthew didn't want it to stop.

With murmured 'I love yous' they walked inside the now shared house and stayed an eager pair for the life that was just about to come. 

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