Mock Me - Insane! Norway x Denmark

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Norway - Lukas
Denmark - Mathias

It had been some time since Mathias wanted to get away. He wanted to see the outside world, interact with so many other people. Currently he was running through the house trying to find a hiding spot.

He had feared the worst and the worst had yet to come. He panted as he stopped in the middle of one of the halls. His heart was pounding and his body was tensed with the thought of impending doom.

This wasn't safe. This whole situation was putting his life at risk. He didn't know why he didn't listen to the others when pursuing a relationship with Lukas.

Mathias shouldn't be scared but he was. He was terrified of what was going to happen. He didn't know how stable Lukas was at the moment of if he regained some sort of sanity.

He shut the door to a room and looked around for a place to hide. He checked the windows first to see if they were unlocked. He was shocked to find that they were. Lukas never leaves the windows unlocked.

The Dane heard a creaking noise and his heart pounded in his chest. It felt like it had skipped a beat. He looked out the window after he opened it and weighed up the pros and cons of jumping down. It wasn't that much of a fall. Enough to break his arm or leg but nothing that was going to kill him.

He pulled everything off of the bed. All the pillows and quilts were thrown out the window and onto the ever growing pile at the back of the mansion. Looking down at the pile, he shut his eyes and pushed himself off of the window sill and braced for the impact. Just as he thought, the impact was enough to break something.

He held his arm close to his body. Pain flared through his body but he ignored it in hopes of finding salvation within the forest. Maybe some place to hide from his psychopathic boyfriend.

Mathias managed to get himself halfway into the forest and hid himself behind the tree. He inspected the damage done to his arm. It was definitely broken. Luckily it was a clean break and would heal properly if he sought out medical attention for it.

The Danish man felt a sudden chill surround the area and he could hear whispering. "Who's there?" he called out. Fear consumed his being and he felt himself freeze as he saw several flashes of a dark blue cape behind several trees.

Two hands placed themselves over his eyes. "Guess who?" cooed the voice. Mathias felt his heart drop into his stomach and the world around him fade. Lukas had found him. Lukas had won their, his, little wager.

Mathias opened his eyes and felt extremely groggy. Maybe he made it to the hospital and was getting treated for whatever wounds he might of had.

"Wakey wakey..." cooed a voice. The voice was followed by a sinister laughter. He no longer needed time to wake himself up as he realised too quickly that his fate was no longer on his side.

Lukas circled the Dane like he was prey. It made his grin at how scared Mathias was. Grabbing Mathias' bad arm in his hands, he stared into Mathias' teary eyes as he begged him not to do anything. Lukas didn't listen and enjoyed the loud crack of the bone as he snapped Mathias' broken arm back in place.

Carefully wrapped it up and let his fingers trail over Mathias' face. He felt all the contours and the salty tears that leaked from his eyes. It made Lukas feel alive.

He pulled out a knife and pressed it to Mathias' throat. He wasn't expecting the Dane to spit in his face. He wiped off the spit and just laughed.

"Go on..." he cooed to Mathias. He knew the names the Dane thought of. He knew the fear he awoke inside of him.

"Mock me." he roared in laughter. Mathias was shaking, he was shaking and whimpering and oh how lovely that sounded.

"C'mon, say I'm insane." he hissed out. He knew it was working. Mathias whimpered as he felt the blade dig into his skin slightly.

"You're insane." he rasped. Lukas cackled, his insanity shining. "You can try and escape all you want. I will find you. I always do...."

Lukas' voice was like a whisper. It echoed around the room but there was no body to personify it. The door in front of Mathias opened with a loud creak. Black ink, or was it blood, seeped down from the ceiling and pooled on the floor. Mathias stumbled but dragged himself out of that room.

His legs hurt, his arm hurt, everything hurt and yet he was still trapped here. He needed to learn Lukas' routines, he needed to learn how to escape.

A chill was sent up his spine as a heavy thud sounded at the end of the hall. He remembered a saying. One that he heard when they first started this game. 'For every time you escape, you get closer and closer to your death.'

Mathias hobbled along the hallway and tried to find out which way to go. Which way was best.

"Oh Mathias, elsker?" called out the chilling voice. He looked around for the insane man but found nothing. He found a corner and curled up. He supposed that he had enough time to try and get some sleep before he planned his route out of here. Mathias' nightmares were fuelled with the very last thing the voice cooed out to him...

"It is you who is caught in my game." 

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