My Soldier - Denmark x Finland

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Denmark - Magnus
Finland - Timo

Magnus picked up his journal and began writing in it. The smell of cigarettes filled his nose and the sound of machinery filled the air. He documented everything he was doing. All his emotions, thoughts, what he missed. That sort of thing. "It's time to go Sorensen." remarked his leader.

He quickly finished off his sentence, stuffed it in his stuff and then jogged to keep up with his squadron.

Timo was waiting with his close friend Sigurd for the troops to come back home. Of course Sigurd was waiting for his younger brother to arrive back from the war. They watched as many of the troops came back and reunited with their family.

Then came Emil. He was fine. He looked well apart from a few scrapes here and there. He stood at attention when he saw Timo and handed him a small slip of paper. "M.I.A?" questioned Timo. "Affirmative sir, Magnus Sorensen has gone missing in action." remarked Emil and stood at ease. "I'm sorry." he murmured to the Finnish man. He knew how much Magnus meant to him. So to hear this sort of news was devastating.

"I need to go home." said Timo not taking his eyes off of the paper. He was being strong. At least while he was with others. As soon as he was in his shared home, Timo let loose. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He thought that M.I.A was much worse than knowing if they were dead or seeing that they had lost a limb. M.I.A was a point where no one knew where they were, what injuries they could have or if they are dead or alive. All they knew was that he wasn't where the rest of the squadron was.

Since that day waiting for the soldiers to come home, Timo has been a wreck. Wouldn't really do much for himself other than eat small meals, shower and do the basic tasks he needed to do to live. Other than that he didn't really welcome visitors or friends or new activities or work. He just felt lost and broken.

Magnus staggered up the hill and towards the house he so fondly remembered. Screw the Russians for keeping him separated from his squadron.

He knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. Whether it be his step brothers or his boyfriend. He heard the sound of someone walking towards the door, keys being brought up to unlock it. Slowly it opened a tiny bit to reveal a dishevelled looking Timo.

Immediately he felt his heart pang in his chest. What happened? Timo now had hair that was slightly longer and lost it's shine, eyes dulled and highlighted by dark circles. Skinnier and face adorned with a small amount of facial hair.

"I'm home." he stated. Timo stepped out and eyed him for a moment. Of course after the initial point of recognition, he pulled Mathias into a large hug. He started crying tears of relief and happiness. "It's okay," cooed Mathias, "I'm home now."

Timo stood back to take a good look at the Danish male. The bandage that covered his right eyes, the broken arm, the blood stain on his trousers. The beard that now adorned his face and a tired smile.

That night they both laid in bed, enjoying the company of each other. "You need to get fixed up." muttered Timo. The first words he spoke to the Danish male. Magnus laughed slightly. "And you need to put on some weight." retorted Magnus. Timo lightly slapped his wrist.

"Fine, fine, I'll go in the morning." he murmured. Just to give his boyfriend peace of mind.

When Timo woke up in the middle of the night panic stricken and tears rolling down his face, he thought he dreamt of Magnus returning home and thought he'd wake up to cold sheets and Magnus' side of the bed empty. Instead he was pulled into a warm chested hug and hushed back to sleep. It wasn't a dream. Magnus really was home.

Magnus pressed a kiss to Timo's forehead and held him securely against his own body. "I'm home now Timo, for good.." he murmured softly. With one final affirmation, he waited until dawn came and the peaceful days to take him away. "I'm home now."

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