Intern - Sweden x Finland

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Sweden - Berwald
Finland - Timo

"So, we've got a new intern starting today and I'd like you to show them around."

"M-Me? Why me?"

"So, we've got a new intern starting today and I'd like you to show them around."

Berwald stared at his boss like a deer in headlights. Surely he was the worst person to ask to show a new person around. So he came up with the only response he could.

"M-Me? Why me?" stuttered out Berwald wiping his glasses with a little cloth. His boss chuckled as if it wasn't obvious. Well it wasn't obvious to Berwald. Not one bit.

"You're great with the customers! He's waiting at reception for you." he chirped happily before walking away. He was giving Berwald no say in this. Slowly he made his way to reception trying to think of what to say to this new person. His social awkwardness was so crippling when it came to meeting new people and being in new surroundings and situations.

That's when time seemed to slow down for him. He saw who his boss wanted him to show around. It was an angel. Surely such a being wouldn't ever think of working in the magazine industry. This man should be a model. "Hi?" questioned the shorter blonde before him. Berwald noticed that he was quite tall but definitely shorter than himself.

"Uh... yeah.. um h-hi." stammered Berwald. This beauty was turning his brain to mush. "I'm the new intern. Are you the boss around here?" the other explained. Even his accent fit his person like a glove. That's it. Berwald was smitten with this man.

Berwald shook his head. "I'm uh... I'm Berwald, I'm just here to show you around." explained Berwald shyly. They both started walking.

"Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Timo." remarked the Finnish male with a small chuckle. His eyes were wide and pretty. He'd never seen such warming brown eyes. Pools of chocolate that held so many secrets that he wanted to know.

They made small talk as they walked around the building. Berwald explained to Timo about what goes on but he was still distracted by how handsome Timo was. He was in the break room with a couple of other coworkers. Timo was being talked to by the boss.

It was now time to go. Well at least for Timo. Berwald just watched from where he leaned on the counter with a cup of coffee. His coworker Magnus, an annoying Danish man, patted him on his back rather harshly.

"You can already tell that you like him." remarked Magnus with a hearty laugh. Timo was walking over now and he smiled up at Berwald. "Maybe we could go for a coffee sometime." said Timo biting his lip as he gave Berwald a piece of paper.

The Swede nodded pocketing the phone number. Timo gave him a smirk before walking away. Berwald stared after him with an open mouth and a blush covering his cheeks.

He heard the obnoxious laughter of Magnus. Nothing really registered with him right now. "Forget ya liking him, yer completely smitten!" cackled Magnus. Berwald couldn't move himself as he thought over whether this was going to be a date.

Yeah... maybe he was smitten for Timo after all. 

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