Submissive - America x England

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America - Alfred
England - Arthur

Arthur smirked as he entered the apartment. He knew exactly what was waiting for him back at home. He knew exactly what he wanted and he knew he was going to get it.

Walking into the bedroom he felt smug at what he had created. "Look at me." he cooed to the boy on the bed. Alfred looked up at Arthur and watched as the British man rolled up his sleeves and loosened the tie on his neck.

Alfred made a noise that he felt so ashamed of. Those actions should not affect him in anyway. This made Arthur chuckle.

"You look like a fucking dog in heat." Arthur remarked with a smirk as he traced his fingers down Alfred's body.

Alfred could do nothing but pant at the touch. This was amusing to the Brit. To see how weak the American was to him. How much power he held over the student.

The American tugged at his clothes, a desperate look in his eyes. Arthur relished in the skin to skin contact and pressed kisses down the American's neck. He murmured one thing against tanned skin with a deep set smirk and a quick thrust against the other male.

"A dog in heat indeed." 

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