Secret - Denmark x Norway

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Denmark - Mathias
Norway - Sigurd 

Mathias watched on as Sigurd tried to scurry off from the bullies. Sigurd wasn't particularly well liked around the school. Especially with his friends that were known for their role playing nights.

Though he was apart of that. No one knew how nerdy he was when he was talking to Sigurd or his younger brother or either of their friends. They didn't know that he could ace maths if he tried hard enough.

Sigurd was pulled back into the group of bullies and the crowd formed a circle within the hallway. All of them were chanting fight. Mathias watched on with wide eyes and a bleeding lip. He'd bitten it too much as he thought of what to do.

Insults were passed towards the Norwegian who had just wanted to go to his lesson. Mathias pushed his way to the front of the crowd. Bravado filled him as he thought of all the ways he could put a stop to this.

Sigurd noticed the Dane immediately and mouthed for him to help. Kieran, the bully, noticed and looked over his shoulder at what had captured the Norwegian's attention. "Asking help from your boyfriend?" asked Kieran snarling. The Dane was shaking as all eyes turned to him. What if they found out?

What if they found out that he loved Sigurd with all his heart. That he loved Maths and Theatre and writing poetry and stories. What then? "Come on lover boy, don't just stand there. Go help your boyfriend out." commanded Kieran. His posse just snickered.

Mathias took several glances between Kieran and Sigurd. He was weighing up the situation before he turned and walked away. He heard the cry of Sigurd as Kieran did something to him. And the deadly crack resounded through the halls and haunted him until he finished lessons for the day.

He felt sick. Mathias sat with his back against the wall and ignored all calls from Sigurd. He didn't pick up the courage to enter the school neither did he have the courage to face everyone there. He felt like they had found out his secret.

Listening to a voicemail from Sigurd, he tried to hold back the tears. The day still fresh in his mind.

So he tried to call Sigurd back, only getting as far as leaving a small little message.

"I tried to save you, Sigurd, but let you drink the pain." 

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