Can We Keep It? - Denmark, Norway & Iceland

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Human/ Viking AU

(Also has OC's In This)

Norway - Einar - 16
Denmark -  Magnus - 17
Iceland - Eirikur - 14
OC Naja - 29
OC Sigurd - 29

The three brother were sparring in the nearby field. Their faces grubby and knees dirty. Still they didn't care for they were the sons of a great Viking King. Sigurd the Mighty as many called him.

He believes that his sons will become just as mighty as him and conquer many lands. He called for them His beautiful wife Naja at his side. She was magnificent. The most beautiful of all the tribe and the one who was the smartest.

"Einar, Eirikur, Magnus!" called out their Mother. Sigurd looked over to his wife. One who sounded like an angel. They rushed towards the two Parental figures. Viking Princes. They were known throughout the clans. They were known for being alike to their Father but alike to their Mother as well.

They say that the sons of Sigurd inherited the gifts from the gods. For Einar resembled Loki, Magnus to Thor and Eirikur to Heimdall.

"We are to choose your wolves. Ones that will carry you into manhood. Are you ready my sons?" he asked them. They lined up in front of Sigurd. Eyes cast to the ground. Magnus the eldest of three looked up briefly. "Boys, we think it's time for you to become men." cooed their Mother in a gentle voice.

They looked up with pride in their eyes. The three sons showed their Father their sparring. How strong they had become in recent years. He praised them and led them to the forest. Sadly the Mother of the wolves had been killed. "Choose your wolves boys." remarked Sigurd.

Magnus and Einar picked up two of the wolves and little Eirikur picked up a wolf as white as the snow. The runt. The boys did not bat an eyelash. They were taught to be accepting. For it looked a bit like their younger brother.

Shared the same characteristics of white hair. Taking the wolves back to the tribe, they were met by their Mother. Eirikur held up the white wolf cub and smiled softly. "Can we keep her?" he asked blinking slowly up at his Mother.

Naja gazed towards her husband. A proud smile was upon his lips and a mischievous spark held within his eyes. "Of course my darling Eirikur. For she needs a home and who are we to turn away something as beautiful as her." cooed their Mother.

Eirikur stroked the fur of the pup and grinned. He was a man now. Just like his brothers. "I am proud of you all." was what they heard their Father say at dinner. They heard him tell the other clans about how his sons were destined for greatness. Not before getting told off once or twice for slipping some mead to the boys.

"I will name you Snjór and I will look after you until you are grown and strong. For you are my wolf and by my side you shall stay...." 

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