Winner - Denmark x Estonia

18 1 0

Denmark - Mathias 
Estonia - Eduard 

Mathias was bored of playing video games by himself while his boyfriend was in the other room on his computer. "EDDDD!" called out Mathias pausing his game. "What?" came the response. A minute later Eduard still hadn't appeared so with a sigh, Mathias made his way to where his boyfriend was still sitting.

"Eduard." remarked the Danish male leaning on the door frame. Eduard swivelled around in his chair to face the Dane. "What do you want?" asked the Estonian. With no immediate answer, Eduard turned to face his computer again where he was writing emails to his friends.

Mathias looked around. "Let's play a game together." stated Mathias simply. He didn't give time for Eduard to reply before he lifted him up over his shoulder. "Put me down Mathias." said Eduard but in the back of his mind he was far from complaining. He'd admired how strong Mathias was.

Sitting them both down, Mathias turned his game of Mario Kart over to multiplayer. "What's this absurd game?" asked Eduard rhetorically. "Mario Kart." responded Mathias giving Eduard the controller. They started off with the Mushroom cup.

Eduard wasn't the best at doing Mario Kart but with each passing race, he'd get better even finishing in front of Mathias. Leaning against Mathias' chest he smiled as he could feel the warmth radiating off of the Danish male.

"Let's do the hardest map." muttered Eduard. He was already feeling pretty confident about this last race. "Are you sure it's not too difficult for you." murmured Mathias pressing a kiss to the Estonians cheek. "Of course not!" stated Eduard indignantly.

They started up the race and Mathias was failing. At the end of the race, Mathias felt a bit jealous that Eduard had somehow managed to beat rainbow road in first place. "Don't be sad Mathias!" cooed Eduard turning around in Mathias lap. "'m not sad." mumbled the older male quietly. Instead of doing anything else, Mathias received a kiss.

What made both Mathias and Eduard smile was the comment that Eduard made.

"You'll always be a winner in my eyes." 

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