Muse - Netherlands x Female! Denmark

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Female Denmark - Maja
Netherlands - Abel

As far as he knew, the world was in black and white. The steady tapping of the typewriter filled the room and smoke strayed the the cigarette that was clenched between his teeth.

Bright red tulips adorned the room in such a vivid colour that everything else looked dull. Those were his prize possessions. He stopped for a minute. Taking a drag from the thing that kills and contemplating the sentences written.

His brows furrowed and he curled his lip in disgust. With a sudden bout of anger, he pulled the paper out and screwed it up. "Damn love scene." he growled out. This book was hard enough to write for him. The pages upon pages that were going to go out to a publisher.

It'd been weeks since he started it. Holed up in his apartment with cracked walls and just scraping together enough for the electricity. Putting out the death stick, he ran his hands through his hair silently resenting the scene he was trying to write. It was all planned out in his head. The prose, the drama, the lingering kiss left on the protagonists lips as his love disappeared into the night.

Though the words that flowed in his head like wildfires didn't translate down onto the page. Tugging on his coat, he pulled the scarf to sit around his neck. Checking the time, he grumbled. Might as well pick up his sister even if he's 20 minutes ahead of schedule.

It had been a rather quick walk with the help of the tram and heading inside the expensive looking building with head held high and smoke on his breath. Taking a seat on one of the benches, he watched the class. He watched as his sister twirled, plies and expressed herself to the music. The only other woman his eyes kept going back to was slender, pale and full of vibrancy.

He watched as she slowly dipped backwards, pulling her hand up to drag along her collar bones with a feather light touch.

The classical music seemed to enhance the beauty of her movements if that was even possible. Somewhere deep inside him, he wanted to know the girl's name. He wanted to know who she was. How she was able to tug at his heart during the last 10 minutes. "You like her don't you." murmured a voice was beside him. One full of smugness.

He turned to his sister. "On the contrary." mumbled Abel looking down at Emma. The Belgian girl's smile increased as she watched her brother gaze longingly at the graceful dancer.

"Her name's Maja and she's Danish. She comes here with her younger sisters most of the time." murmured Emma in a hushed voice. The others were still dancing while she had a break. "Maja." he tested the name on his tongue and smiled only slightly.

He listened absent-minded to the words his sister was speaking and instead favoured the attention of the Danish girl. So beautiful and poised. Elegance flowing through the dance she performed. His heart seemed just as invested in her movements.

"Maja!" called out Emma and the Danish girl walked over with a large smile. "I'd like you to meet my brother, Abel. Abel this is Maja." Emma introduced the pair and a grin took the features of the Danish girl. "It's very nice to meet a handsome man." Maja complimented with a twinkle in her eyes.

Abel swallowed nervously and felt his heart warm with surprise and pleasant feelings. "As it is to meet a fair maiden like yourself." he flirted back with a small bow. Those eyes had him hooked already.

He stared at the night sky, the stars dotting the inky blue background. He wrote down exactly what he felt. Turning it into what the character thought and said. One much braver than himself. A love struck smile settled on his lips and he typed the last words. It was morning by the time he awoke at his small desk.

A pair of arms wrapped around his torso and a pair of lips pressed a feather like kiss to his neck. "God Morgen Abel." she purred moving her hand to cup his chin. It had been like this for the past few months. Her pulling him away from his work when he got frustrated, making him distracted.

Stealing kisses when he was thinking too hard and waking him up in the morning with lovely breakfasts. In return, he attended the classes with her and watched her dance. She became his muse. She sat herself upon the desk and looked at Abel. The papers he clutched in his shaking hands looked interesting.

"What have you got there?" she asked, blue eyes twinkling just like the stars he saw last night. Instead of saying anything, he handed her the stack of papers and watched her reactions as she read.

Those eyes scanned the words and tears were brought to her eyes. "It's wonderful. You should get this published." she cooed putting the papers down neatly. Abel blushed slightly. No one had out right complimented his writing like that. Someone always had criticism and it wasn't even constructive. Seeing the genuine nature of her words through the loving tone of her voice, he leaned forward and rested his forehead against hers.

She pulled him into a passionate kiss. He melted into it and followed the dancing rhythm of her heart. The nights he lay away were normally by her side and drawing patterns into her skin in the after glow. The rambunctious lady had certainly captured his heart through her dancing and he made sure she knew that.

Now he saw the world in colour. He thought over the twist and turns of their love as he carried her back to bed in a heated lip lock. Falling in love was easier than it looked and faster than Abel could ever realise.

For the ring she bore on her finger spoke volumes for the way their love was headed. Two little words were carved into it ones that rang true every time he looked at her.

My muse.

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