Numb - Lithuania x Poland

53 4 0

Prompt - Things you said when you were dying

Lithuania - Toris
Poland - Feliks

Feliks took a deep breath and scrubbed harder at the dishes. It was hard, he'll admit that. He'd always be reassured by his darling Lithuanian that he didn't need to do the dishes and that he should go put his feet up and watch that programme he favoured.

Now it was all different. His mind played on repeat, he kept himself in an analogue way of living for some time now to keep himself sane. Though he knew he was slowly losing it. He needed to seek solace. Though it always came back to that night.

The night he was sitting by the hospital bed in tears because he knew the only thing they could do now was take Toris off the life support. He needed to let him go.

Sighing, Feliks put the towel and plate down and wandered into the bedroom where there was a bed that felt too big for him and the covers a little too cold now he couldn't share with anyone. Tears fell as he picked up a picture of him and Toris together. He couldn't stop thinking. He couldn't turn off the emotions he so desperately wanted to get rid of.

"I can't get the memories to go away.... the bad ones I mean." he started out in a whisper as he spoke to the photograph. It's what he did to calm himself sometimes. To keep the dream alive. "The only thing that's driving me insane now are the things you last said to me." Feliks whimpered as he thought back on it. "the things you said as you were dying." he muttered and let the framed picture fall to the floor. 

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