Daddy Loves You - Iceland x Reader

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Iceland - Emil

You could crush life in the palm of your hand but you can never grasp the concept of why we live. It's everywhere. In music, in dances. It's in words and emotions. You'll never truly understand what it's like for someone who thinks that life just isn't for them. You would try to tell them that if they keep looking, they'll find all the answers they'll ever need.

The point is that there is answers that cannot be achieved. Answers that are endless or not there at all. It all points in one continuous direction. The life that we believe is fruitful can also be a storm of emotions. Emotions that we try to get a grasp on to stop them from wreaking havoc. The truth is that these emotions were designed to show something that words can't.

I see you lying in that bed telling yourself that everything's going to be like the eye of a storm throughout your life. I understand. I understand the twisted emotions, the rocky haze of your life. I understand it all. I've barely begun the adventure of life yet I understand more than others that life isn't just about materials. It's about the bond you create with another.

For example a pet. From the moment you see it, you create a bond with that animal. For me it was my pet dog. I consider her to be some sort of animal sibling. I've forgotten what life was like without a pet. I wouldn't understand what it would be like if someone told me that I couldn't have another pet in my life. I wouldn't understand what possessed them to dislike the thought of a bond between a human and an animal.

I understand your pain more than someone else could. The pain of being an outcast; being different. You choose who you make a bond with. Those friendships that failed wasn't because you couldn't maintain the friendship but because the bond between you two wasn't a lasting thing. They did their part in your life and your did your time in theirs. You'll come across many other people in your life but some of them will stay.

You'd think that death is something painful. In a way it can be. Death isn't always the ending of a life. Death is just a word. It's just a word which we made up to describe the ending of a persons life. We do not know what it's like for someone we don't know. We can only think what their life is like. They could be the popular princess of the school but how do we know that their parents don't spend time with them. They could be the poorest of the social groups and yet they know what it's like not to have enough food. They would give up their food for a younger sibling just so they could eat that day.

I can't comprehend how much pain you're in right now. I'm not in your shoes but I can tell you that with pain comes different endings. Some experience pain to be beautiful others to know what life is like. You can't understand what it's like in the long run, you can't see what's going to happen in a few days time or even a few minutes.

You can try to guess but guessing gets you no where. Guessing is just something we do to put our mind a ease. It doesn't change a thing about life. We can change the outlook to suit us. We can talk to a person and our whole life has a totally different outlook.

It's never the same for everyone. I hate hospitals... They scare me. I can't be in a hospital without thinking the worst. That's why when I think of family and if they're in hospital, I think back to the hardest part of my life. So few words were uttered yet I remember them clearly as if it was a photograph to preserve it. It haunts me but I don't let it take over my life. I don't let it manifest into something bigger than it is. I cope with it and I learn how to navigate my life around it. It's nothing but a stepping stone.

Each passing day is different. Feelings are different but sometimes days blend into one and you're feeling like a zombie walking around with no meaning. Life always has a meaning but each is different.

I pass off as the antisocial goth who seems intimidating. My friend has said that about me. In reality I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to raise my hand to answer questions. I didn't trust others around me. My faith in others was broken just because of one wrong move. Society hates me because I'm different, I think differently and to them.... it scares them for someone that they can't mold into the person they want.

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