My Family - Denmark

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Denmark - Mathias
Norway - Sigurd
Iceland - Eirikur
Finland - Timo
Sweden - Berwald

Lena and Aya... Mathias mused to himself and traced the tattoos on his wrist. The names of his baby girls. The ones he raised himself without a second thought. His treasure. His gems. There was so many terminologies for the ones he held dearly.

He flipped through the book of baby pictures. His brothers long since grown up with families of their own. He was proud of them. Even baby Eirikur. Sighing, he watched the memories back in his mind as each one resurfaced with every glance upon the glossy papers.

Lena, his oldest. At 18 years old she was off chasing her dreams of visiting every country she desired and living out the different cultures. Then there was Aya his baby girl. They were both his babies in his eyes. Aya only 15 was currently getting the best education her dad could get for her big dreams of the future. Of course it was lonely. He tried to find dates for himself.

No one seemed to match. It was now around Christmas. Oh how he missed his darling daughters and his brothers.

A knock at the door startled him from his thoughts. He hurried from his perch and opened the door... Eirikur? Why was Eirikur here? His baby brother and his wife was welcomed into the home with their children. "What a pleasant surprise!" remarked Mathias setting the cups down on the table.

Eirikur nodded and clasped his hands round the mug. "We thought that it was best to bring all the fun to you. After all we haven't really had a Christmas together in years." murmured Eirikur gazing at his wife with a smile. Was it her idea?

Mathias nodded and made pleasant conversation. So his brothers were coming over to stay for Christmas. How wonderful. "Sigurd and the others should be here shortly." said Freya. The girl smiled and put her phone down.

"How long are you staying for?" asked Mathias. He was eager about Christmas now. After all they haven't had a large family Christmas for a good few years.

The sound of the door opening alerted Mathias to other visitors and he got up from his seat to put the kettle on again. They were bound to want some coffee. "So where's Aya and Lena?" was the first thing Sigurd asked. It sounded like he wasn't letting on the full story. "Aya is with her Aunt and Lena is off somewhere in the world." responded Mathias pouring out the liquid into the cups.

He was taken out later that week. His brothers said it was to bond and catch up. First they had hugs and coffees and told tales about their little ones. Mathias went home that day and he was told to come in last.

Stepping into the house, he saw decorations on the drive and in the house. Such beautiful decorations. And presents were piled high under the tree. It felt nostalgic. It felt like magic.

Sigurd smiled as he watched his older brother smiled at the decorations their wives had put up. With a little help from two special people. "Pappa..." said a voice. A soft voice. A voice that lingered in his mind and made him falter in his steps.

He turned around and spotted his two little girls. Immediately he pulled them into a massive hug, blubbering how happy he was to see them in Danish. "I missed you two so much!" he cried out happily.

"We're staying now Pappa." spoke Aya with a grin. They both loved seeing their Father happy. And they couldn't of done it without their Uncles.

"For good." continued Lena smiling. Things couldn't of gone any better than they did that December. 

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