Chapter 1: Hermanas

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"No matter what happens... We'll always have each other's back on everything." Lilith said as she gave Eda a quick pinky promise.

Eda snickered into a fit of laughter, drowning out the music of missing shots from guns behind the wall they were hiding.

"Ok, Lily, that's too cheesy!" She scoffed while cocking the gun in her hands to fire back as Lilith chuckled while holding onto the black duffle bag in her hands.

"Edalyn, I never promised anything like this." She said while trying to grab her keys from behind her pocket, making her have to inch aside a bit.

A bullet completely missed her visible arm as she pulled herself back and hurried over to her car with Eda behind her keeping cover.

Bullets were flying everywhere as they got inside the car and drove off with Eda having to reload her gun once again to buy her sister time to turn the car around to leave the place.


Lilith laughed as she threw money everywhere in the hotel room.

Eda smiled while bandaging her arm up.

"Edalyn, how come you never told me how thrilling it is to become the prey?" Lilith wondered as she lay on the bed with a pleased smirk on her face.

"Well, because you wouldn't understand it at all. Knowing you, you went over to Belos and decided to become a hunter instead of a prey like me." Eda said as she cut the bandages and tucked them neatly in, she smiled as she saw a bit of blood seep a bit through the layers of bandages, laughing, "And... Times up! Hahahaha!!"

They won. One million dollars worth of cash, paper money, was in their hands.

Nothing was in their way of victory now.

"Would you look at that, Lily! We won exactly one million out of that old man's billionaire ass!" She said as she threw her hands in the air, shouting, "We're rich!!!"

That was when a loud gunshot rang across her ears.

"Ah?" She suddenly felt pain somewhere, looking down, she saw red, bleeding near her side.

"What the..?" She muttered in confusion as she felt something warm seep out from the corners of her mouth, she put a hand on the reddening part of her shirt, staining white to darkening red.

"I'm sorry, Edalyn... But as a hunter, I have to keep my words."

"Ugh....?!" Eda frowned gritting her teeth, slowly turning around, she saw Lilith holding a gun with one hand.

She had pulled the trigger on her.

"To be fair, Edalyn... I already rigged the clock on your phone, setting it a minute early." Lilith hummed as she took out the bullets from the magazine of her pistol and threw it all aside, scattering them everywhere.

Eda was immediately brought to her knees when the pain had finally persisted in her brain to weigh her body down, 'What the--?! Did she do something in the bullet to make it hurt this much!??'

Lilith sighed as she left the black duffle bag on the bed.

"You're my sister... And I would never do anything to hurt you." She said as the timer on her phone rang.

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