𝟹.𝟷𝟷: 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝙰𝚝 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 (𝟾𝟻)

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-Narrator's perspective-

Grief was probably one of the worst emotions that a vampire could experience. Due to their heightened senses, capability of being an immortal for too long, it could just as easily kill them at the living moment. But it gave them hope as well. Atleast, in this way, they knew that they could still feel a pretty large emotion which is connected to their humanity.

But all Hayley could feel was that but never hope. She and Jackson might not be an idle couple in a marriage, he was her friend. They were close and now he's dead. It felt kind of crappy if Hayley were to be honest.

"You, little one, are adorable." Danielle cooed silently, carefully rocking Hope who was on her arms. It was in the middle of the night when she heard Hope mumbling loudly which she could hear from her room. The Mikaelson hybrid took the liberty to carefully and quietly slip in the nursery to tend to her niece. It was 3 in the morning, Hayley needed the rest and she couldn't sleep herself.

All Danielle thought ever since she got Hayley back from their enemies, was if she was okay. Danielle was the one who had forced the Marshall to sleep the night over in the Compound, making sure she gets the proper care she needs. Being tortured, suffered and forced to watch your husband die was traumatic. God knows what thoughts were in Hayley's.

Danielle sighed, looking up out to the window while she lets Hope play with a little trinket. The sky was dark, street lights flickering as it was broken. It was raining heavily as well which caused the little girl to wake up. Her ears was merely focused on Hayley's soft breathings from next door, like an endless strumming. Being with the littlest Mikaelson put her mind at rest over the prophecy nonsense, Estella's death and Tristan suffering in the bottom of an ocean.

"She woke up?"

Hayley muttered, standing in the doorway to see the Mikaelson holding her daughter comfortingly. The Original turned around, too in her head to notice that Hayley woke up suddenly. "Kept fussing." She explained shortly.

"You should've woke me up." She replied, walking towards the brunette and playing with Hope's hand in greeting. The baby recognized her own mother and smiled widely.

"I don't mind." said Danielle who reciprocated the smile that Hope had, a glimmer of peace in her chest. "You go back to sleep. I can put her to bed." She insisted.

"No, it's fine." She said softly, gesturing for Danielle to hand Hope to her. The Original hybrid hesitated, seeing the tired look in Hayley's eyes but she gave up and gave Hope
up in the end. "What are you doing awake anyways?" She asked, igniting a conversation.

Before Danielle could think of a reasonable answer, the windows opened due to the heavy air and rain. The immortal placed her arm up, the rain hitting them all as she used it as a shield to Hayley. Hayley turned around so her daughter won't get wet. "I got it." said Danielle who closed it back again, with much strength as well.

There was Hope who- out of nowhere- cried because of the ruckus. Hayley brought her to the main room as it was colder in the nursery. "Shh... It's okay." The mother assured, planting a kiss on the top of her head.

"Here." Danielle offered to get her again, after she just took her soaked jacket off. When Hope was leaning more towards her aunt, Hayley lifted her lips to a smile and handed her anyways. "You're okay, little one." She hummed, hand on the back of Hope's head in comfort.

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