𝟻.𝟷𝟷: 𝚃𝚒𝚕 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝙸 𝙳𝚒𝚎 (𝟷𝟺𝟹)

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-Narrator's perspective-

(A/n: Let's not take the episode title too literal, yeah?)

The event of Hope accidentally triggering her curse took a toll on her parents who were now more than concerned of her well-being. The Dark Magic in her was already twisting her to the core, now she had to deal with going through her first transition as a wolf? At this timing, they weren't lucky. Klaus slightly blamed himself for not checking the attic for anyone as well but nobody blames him. It was a tragic accident.

But surprisingly, everyone sleeping under the Abattoir was timid. Calm, for a family who was under a lot of pressure for the past few weeks. Maybe they needed more of that. Just hours of peacefulness, being with the people who made them happy which was family. Hope made that possible and was forced to suffer the consequences. But she was just glad her dad got her sister back and her mom got her epic love back too. The thought itself made her relax a bit, even with the voices in her head buzzing every second.

For the longest time, Danielle woke up without any nightmares which would keep her up most of the time. Why? She had the love of her life besides her, resting on her chest and knew she was awake. Hayley was and didn't want to get up first. It's been too long since she was curled in bed, didn't have any reason to get up. Everything she needed was right there besides her.

"Good morning." Hayley greets, had the strength to finally speak. The tiredness in her voice made Danielle smile, holding her hand back as a response, squeezing it once. They spent a few more minutes in bed before Danielle tells her she needs to get up, something about talking to her brother. Assured her it was nothing urgent. "Just a few more minutes." She mumbles and basically burried her face in the Mikaelson's neck.

"I need to-" Danielle got rudely cut off when Hayley pressed her lips against hers. And since moments like this were pretty rare for them, The Mikaelson didn't evade of their situation and kissed her back with such love.

She carefully helped Hayley lay back down on her back while she hovers above her, her short hair a mess of lack of sleep last night. Hayley untangled some strands of her hair and carefully before resting her palm on Danielle's cheek. The sunlight loomed in the bedroom making the Original pull away, squinting her eyes a bit to how much it affected her eyesight so suddenly.

"You're being ridiculous." Danielle whispers with her eyes still closed, letting her eyes adjust to the brightness of the room. Hayley lightly smiles, grazing her thumb on Elle's cheek gently. "I need to talk to Elijah. And you should get up as well." She advices and finally opened her eyes.

"Beats the point of waking up early to stay in for a few more hours." Hayley says. She then remembered that she has problems to face, A daughter to help get through the day. "I guess you're right. Talk to Hope later. She might be stubborn to say she doesn't need help but you know her. Especially that she triggered her curse... it's a lot."

"I know, luv. And I'll always be here for you and her." She says making Hayley nod, a flattered smile. Wasn't used to Danielle being like this. "I'll talk to you later." Danielle kissed her one last time before getting out of bed.

Freya had news and it's the best one they had in a long time. Prior to everything that happened, a wedding might just be a moment of peace for them all. She knows how her sister, Danielle, would love nothing more than to help her with anything she needed so Freya lets her hold the rings until the wedding and help Klaus fix the venue. And Danielle did just that, keepsakes the rings.

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