𝟻.𝟷𝟹: 𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚝 𝙶𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙸𝚗 (𝟷𝟺𝟾)

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-Narrator's perspective-

Since they got back home, Hayley couldn't leave the unconscious girl ever again. Afraid that she won't atleast get to say goodbye. She painfully accepted what Danielle's decision was, even if it was so unbelievably ridiculous. But when she saw how desperate Hope was trying to find a solution and Freya telling her there isn't one, it was a hard pill to swallow.

Seeing the Mikaelson in the middle of the street so hopeless and lost, Hayley hasn't seen her in that state. Danielle was always so calm and modest about everything in their lives that Hayley forgot that she had a heart too. Safe to say that she got used to this woman who fought everyone who opposed against them without a look of worry.

In another room, Klaus did everything to cover up his feelings, acting like it hasn't affected him just as much as the rest of his family but ultimately failed when tears strung down his eyes. It's been a long time since he last cried like a child, mourning his little sister. He didn't want to give up and say that he failed her but... everyone in their family has acted like they can't do anything anymore. Main reason why he's lost hope to save his baby sister.

Losing the love of his life, Elijah couldn't accept what his sister had done. He persuaded, more like threatened, Vincent Griffith in finding a way which lead to Freya taking him back home before he could hurt Vincent. Elijah masked his emotions, talking to Freya and asked for her to keep searching for a way. Neither of them didn't want to lose another person close to this family.

It was ironic, really. Hayley always knows that she was never going to lose Danielle in this life. Considering that she was an original and didn't have many weapons that could kill her. Funniest bit was that the family she tried so hard to protect got her killed.

"I never understand the feeling of loving someone so much..." Danielle spoke aloud, gathering Hayley's attention who returned to reality and turned to her with a worried look. "...That you couldn't bare to seem them in pain. I just couldn't do nothing while Hope's father sacrifices his life. That you have to help your daughter to mourn his dad in such an early age." She explains.

"Now, I have to help her mourn you?" She shakily asks, Danielle holding her hand on top of the mattress. "It doesn't make it any better, Elle. It's unfair."

"It's better than mourning a father." She whispers, didn't want to argue with Hayley on what's she's done. Danielle sits up, bringing her hand up to clasp her cheek, stroking it with such care. "I don't regret my decision, Hayley. I don't want you to raise Hope alone- not anymore, that is. She still has her whole life ahead of her, places to explore, life to experiment with. There are still many things for Niklaus to teach her."

Hayley was already at the brink of tears when she looks at Danielle's wrist which was holding her cheek, saw the dark veins crawl up to her forearm, covering her whole arm at this point. It must take a whole lot to seem well mannered and fine like what she's doing right now. And although the whispers were there, Danielle didn't care as long as she had the woman that she loves in front of her. Keeping her sane, like always.

"I don't want to lose you..." She brought out in a small voice. Danielle wanted to say that she didn't want to die, not when they were still going to build a life together, explore the world... there were so many things she wanted to say but she couldn't add more pain in Hayley's life so she stayed silent, only smiling sadly while stroking her cheek. "Don't you have anything to say?"

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