𝟷.𝟷𝟿: 𝙰𝚗 𝚄𝚗𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚑 (28)

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-Narrator's perspective-

In spite and in hunger, Danielle sinked her teeth in a random tourist's neck. Didn't want for Hayley to see, she sent the werewolf to wait outside the alley until she is finished. She overheard the girl talking to Elijah on a phonecall, explaining that they had something to do and take care of the wolves for the meantime.

Before she can actually drain the man of blood, she recalled Hayley telling her not to kill him. She pulled back and inhaled deeply, wiping the edge of her lips off blood.

She held each sides of the man's shoulder and looked at him in the eye. "Forget this and leave New Orleans. Patch your wound up, will you?" She compelled and he nodded before walking the opposite exit.

As her wounds all got healed, Danielle pulled her jacket in and walked towards Hayley who just got off the phone. "You done?" She asked and the hybrid nodded, holding her hand out.

"It's faster this way." She explained shortly and Hayley exhaled before holding her hand warmly. "Are you sure you aren't harmed?"

"I'm fine, Danielle." Hayley assured, minding on how close they were right now. "Marcel won't be. Where do you think he is?"

"I have an idea on who knows where." She answered before speeding away, getting a little too comfortable on being so close with Hayley.

Despite of Elijah killing Thierry in the docks right in front if Marcel, He never had the chance to inform his sister of where he killed him.

Even if she knew, Danielle was out for blood on who had a plan on hurting Hayley out in the bayou. It wasn't a pretty kind of rage. Whoever planned the bomb attack should fear of what's to come to them once the female hybrid finds them.

No more playing around, Danielle kicked the door down and immediately saw Diego. She walked towards him and Hayley right alongside of her.

"You got some nerve coming up in her, mama." He said mainly to the werewolf.

Neither did Hayley was playing games when she kicked the chair he was slouching on making him fall back. Diego stood up in a second and yelled in anger.

Before Danielle could even hurt him, Hayley pushed the vampire against the wall and held the stake on his chest. The same one that Danielle grabbed in the bayou.

"Someone attacked my pack in the bayou this morning, and since I don't see any genius mastermind types around here..." Hayley looked around and inched the stake further in his chest making him groan. "...Why don't you just tell me where Marcel is and we can both get on with our day. Huh?"

As a vampire sped to Hayley, Danielle grabbed him and plunged her hand inside his chest. She looked at Diego who widen his eyes.

"Unlike my brother I didn't sign that treaty. Not a fan of making promises I can't keep." She informed and groaned when she inched her hand deeper in the vampire's chest. "So I suggest you answer the lady's question before I kill him." Danielle motioned to the one she was holding.

"You think I'm playing?" Hayley growled and pushed the wooden branch further. "There were families out there."

"He used to keep a place... 1917 Patterson. If he's still around, he'll be there." Diego informed and groaned just as Hayley pulled the weapon out of him. "Let him go." He said to the hybrid who did just that.

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