𝟹.𝟽: 𝙾𝚞𝚝 𝙾𝚏 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙴𝚊𝚜𝚢 (77)

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-Narrator's perspective-

To say when Danielle was slightly freaking out about the fact that her little sister was missing, she meant it. Here she was with Freya while they have done everything they could imagine to do a locator spell but failed miserably so. It has been only minutes since the others left- Marcel, Elijah, Hayley- and they were getting no where and wasting time. Even with the amount of blood they've shed, nothing won't work.

But when Klaus called her, she picked it up and walked a few steps away to answer it. "What is it, Nik?"

"Why so down, sister?" He asked, a cheeky grin plastered across his face while pouring a perfectly good bourbon on one glass. All in while Elijah shook his head in dismissive, knowing full well their sister had no time for his snarks. Both brothers were in a spectacular mood today since they had planned to host a thanksgiving dinner with their first sired, expose them and planned to kill them.

"To be clear, just because we've been forging plans like old times, it does not mean I have forgiven you." She fired clearly, having no amount of time and patience to deal with him.

By her response, Klaus' mood went downhill while Elijah mouthed him an 'I told you so.' "Understood." He said firstly and continued, "We were wondering if you were to attend. You see, we Mikaelsons will be hosting a thanksgiving dinner. Courtesy of what our common enemies will be doing."

"Yes, and what of Rebekah? You know, our sister that is still missing." She asked, crossing
her arms when she sensed that her brother had known something.

There was a pause which made her eyebrows furrowed. Elijah forcefully took the phone away from Klaus, talking to their sister instead. Elijah thought that it was better that if this news came from him. Just who knows what Danielle might do if she heard it from
their hybrid brother. "Aurora took her." Elijah said and before Danielle could even start ranting, he continued quickly. "If I may, this is the reason why should we have dinner with them."

"And I assume by the time we reach dessert, their heads will be served in a silver platter." Danielle said moreover as a statement.

Klaus sped to his brother and took the phone eagerly, speaking at once and ignored the looks Elijah gave him. "If that is what it would take, yes. I'll gladly let you have the honor on killing Estella." He grinned, holding an index finger up to the original in front of him. Elijah exhaled heavily.

"Estella's coming?" She asked in a snort in amusement. "What makes you think I'll attend that pitiful dinner?"

"Because I said please?" The hybrid male asked in a pleading tone. But when Danielle didn't speak, he frowned. "Come on, Dani. Don't you want to know what she is really doing here? I have seen her wander around New Orleans and talked to a few members of the Strix. Secretively, I might add."

Well that certainly caught the girl's attention. "Suppose I can attend." She hummed, could sense a smile in Klaus' face. Soon to be dropped when she continued to talk, "After I compel some of the vampires talking to Estella, I can arrive just in time before the second course."

"Danielle-" Both the Mikaelson brothers started, completely against the idea.

"-Oh, please. You were practically begging for me to do what I please. And also, distract Estella for me. I don't need her following my every move." said Danielle one last time before hanging up the phone. "Freya, I am gonna follow a different lead." She called out, turning around to her older sibling.

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