𝟷.𝟸: 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚂𝚞𝚗 (1)

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-Narrator's perspective-

With the long hours of stuck in transport, finding out that Marcel is still alive, running her family's town like his, she finally arrived in the mansion she once called home. Though it was a few miles away from New Orleans, Elijah requested for them to stay here and keep a close eye on the pregnant werewolf.

Even though Danielle wished to slaughter maybe one, or two vampires in their home, she behaved. She loved Marcel like a nephew when Nik took him in. Now, she hasn't seen the once innocent boy.

Danielle looked over the mansion, eyes darting to a window where lights has opened. She closed her car door, walking awfully slow towards the door. Once she's opened it, a sense of nostalgia hit her. The original pushed past it and entered the room.

"Elijah don't tell me I've wasted a trip." She called out, walking in the living room to see no one here. "Very well." Danielle rolled her eyes, walking in the bar to pour herself a drink.

"Who the hell are you?"

A voice made Danielle's ears peak up, she turned around and saw a brunette werewolf which made her very dead heart beat. Despite that feeling, she overheard two heartbeats in one person making her nod.

"You must be the werewolf." She said and Hayley narrowed her eyes at her, wondering who of many of Elijah's siblings this is. When Danielle noticed, she placed the glass on the counter and gave her her full attention. "I'm Danielle."

"Klaus' sister?" She asked and the original nodded of her question. "So you're..." Hayley trailed off.

"A hybrid. One of two originals." Danielle finished, turning and grabbed the glass of her alcohol again. "I still haven't caught your name." She said, walking over to the girl, slightly seeing how Hayley looked afraid of her but held her ground.

"Hayley." She breathed out, noticing how beautiful those pair of blue eyes in front of her.

Danielle smiled, probably to assure the other to not worry. "I'm not just Nik's sister. My half siblings is also my family." She said, walking towards the couch to take a seat. "I'm assuming that Elijah told you everything."

"Most of it." She answered, still fazed by the hybrid in front of her. "He only told me little parts of you."

"That is Elijah for you." Danielle sighed, taking a sip of the burning alcohol that ran down her throat. "So, what's gotten into you that made you jump into bed with my brother?" She joked, earning a heartfelt chuckle from the pregnant werewolf.

"It got me witches to kidnap me in a freaking bayou." She said, remembering how Sophie pricked herself to prove the link.

"What happened? Did they hurt you?" The Vampire asked, crossing her legs as she waited for an answer. "Tell me a name, I might just visit the witches."

Hayley looked surprised to hear that. "Well you can't kill her. She did some magic and linked herself to me." She explained, only to see how Danielle looked mad.

"It doesn't mean I can't kill the person they love." She said as if killing wasn't a big deal.

Before the both of them could speak any further, the door slammed open, a very pissed off blonde original came rushing. Danielle stood up, telling Hayley to stay back while she deals with her sister.

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