𝟺.𝟾: 𝚅𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚘 𝙸𝚗 𝙼𝚢 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍 (𝟷𝟷𝟼)

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-Narrator's perspective-

When the trio of the day arrived in the Cemetery where their missing bone is, the place was quiet and undeniably dull. As suppose for a Cemetery, it should be otherwise it'd be a very uncanny place. They found the Del Robles crypt and each tries to find where their magical bone is.

In doing so, Danielle kept her mind occupied of the presumption that Hayley could be harmed because she thought that she was doing the right thing. She had doubts and Elijah kept telling her that something might wrong today while searching for the bone. Danielle hated herself for listening to her brother now and would love nothing more than to go back to New Orleans to see if Hayley and Klaus was all right.

She hid it very well that she was suffering over the thought of not hearing from Hayley today. Danielle knew she couldn't just call since both of them has a job to do and calling might just become a distraction to the two of them. Despite a voice in her head telling her to focus on the main task at hand, her mind keeps going back to the hybrid who managed to steal her heart away. Possibly forever.

You see, if you mix paranoia and sleep deprived, you get a bad outcome. Most people would lose control and would act impulsively. But not Danielle Mikaelson who tried her best to ignore her brother's words earlier. She loves Hayley and trusts her so much. But who she couldn't trust was the Ancestors who might be doing something more than what they say.

And that terrified her.

Danielle didn't want Hayley getting risked everyday. That's all she ever wanted from the start. The once werewolf girl we once called was now a hybrid who had a lot to learn from all these years. Just like Danielle, they both want to protect whom they love.

But the moment they found the bone, Sofya, being possessed with the Hollow, showed up with the intentions of taking it from them. If they weren't willing to give it up, she'd just have to take it from them. But an important execution of adding fuel to Danielle's rage made the hybrid pissed off.

"Have you noticed that you haven't been getting sleep this past few weeks? The more you let your paranoia overwhelm you, the more chance I have to control you. Just like how I control poor and weak, Sofya." She threats, looking down on the Mikaelson who clenched her jaw and eyes turned gold looking up at her.

The only one's who didn't know what they were talking about was Marcel and Elijah who was being forced on the ground by a spell. Even the strongest creatures has weaknesses.

"You can try all you want." The Mikaelson says and turned her eyes back to blue again, almost could take Sofya's heart out but remembered that Marcel will be devastated. "I'm never allowing you to infiltrate my mind."

"Oh, I will. And if I succeed, I'll kill your precious family in your body. Force you to watch while I kill your beloved Hayley Marshall." She whispers, meaning every word. And it infuriated Danielle who stood up quickly, gripping on her neck and squeezing tightly. "Enough." The Hollow raises her hand and the Original Hybrid was sent aback on the wall very quickly.

Out of no where, Hayley appears with a knife on her hand. She slashed her hand, letting her own blood get in the dagger before plunging it on Sofya's side. Hoping that it will weaken her. From what she heard from Davina, her bloodline will kill the Hollow.

"Hurts, huh?" Hayley antagonizes, hearing hers and Danielle's conversation earlier. It explained why the woman looked restless and tired everyday since the attack. Why didn't Danielle told her that she had trouble relaxing? "My blood?"

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