𝟻.𝟿: 𝚆𝚎 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝙻𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚘 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 (𝟷𝟺𝟶)

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-Narrator's perspective-

It has been a day and a lot to digest for the Mikaelsons. Hope convinced everyone in her family that she was capable of the magic in her. She was fine. Or atleast, that's what she wanted to believe but most of the time she was fine anyways. Despite the ghostly whispers lingering at the back of her head, tempting her to do something, anything, anywhere... It was fine most of the times for her. Even though she kept telling her parents she was okay, Hayley and Klaus doubted her and wanted to be there for her just in case something occurs.

An incident happened when Danielle came back home. As she was about to go to her old room to rest, Klaus warned her to go some place else or atleast prepare herself. But ofcourse, she didn't mind him and his dramatics. Perhaps she should have listened because someone else occupied her room. The person who was sleeping on her bed... she didn't expect it to be Hayley who looked like she was exhausted.

"It's fine." Danielle assures, more than polite to find another room to stay in. There are dozens of bedrooms in the Abattoir she just needed to pick one. "You can stay here. I don't mind."

"Are you sure?" Hayley asks and the Mikaelson nods, eased her mind a bit. "It's just... Hope needed a room to herself and I just kinda moved out of my old room a few years ago." She explains. That was partially the truth and the main was because she missed Danielle a little too much than usual. The only closure she could get was the familiarity of her presence again...

Danielle pauses, thinking of ways on how to explain this to her. "Listen, I don't want you to hear this from Nik or somebody else. I'm going back to Italy. Just for a week or two." She says softly.

"Oh." She replies, afraid that those weeks will become longer and suddenly, Danielle will disappear again like last time. And by the dead and flat tone, Danielle knew she was disappointed to hear it. "Is Klaus or Elijah coming with you?"

"I told both of them to stay here when they offered my company." Danielle explains, remembering that conversation vividly well. Mostly because she was still adjusting to the fact Elijah was back. The man she used to hate the most was gone now and was replaced with her ever-so caring brother. But everytime she sees him, she can't help but feel overwhelmed. "You're going to need them in case something happens with Hope."

"When are you leaving?" The woman asks with a hurtful look that Danielle would be leaving her yet again. And despite trying to hide it, the Original knew her above everyone else.

"I'm coming back in a week or so, Hayley." Danielle assures but her word couldn't be trusted anymore. The last thing that Hayley remembered was she promised to call her everyday. But she didn't expect Danielle to lie and disappear on her. "I'm leaving in the morning. I already said goodbye to Hope before she slept."

Hayley felt warm. The woman she loves was right there in front of her. Her eyes fill with an emotion she couldn't read. Maybe it was guilt? Guilty because she's leaving her again. "I guess I should be thankful. You know, for being honest now." It struck a forgotten nerve that Danielle chose to hide by looking on the ground beneath them.

"I did that to protect you." She says in a small voice, afraid if she spoke any louder that Hayley would hear how hurtful it impacted on her. "I will always protect you."

"But instead you hurt me in ways you can't imagine." Hayley says back, frightening Elle whose heart sunk by her words. She stayed silent, consuming the pain rather than to overwhelm her again. Not again. Not this time.

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