𝟺.𝟼: 𝙱𝚊𝚐 𝙾𝚏 𝙲𝚘𝚋𝚛𝚊𝚜 (𝟷𝟷𝟸)

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-Narrator's perspective-

First they were planning on fleeing New Orleans and never look back but now, Klaus is preparing their home to have a party of celebration for a so-called "truce" with Marcel. All but a facade to catch their common enemy, the ones who follow the Hollow. The Compound was already slate clean and many compelled humans were going in and out for tables and linens.

"I'd say that this is, by far, the stupidest idea you thought of." Danielle sighs, leaning forward on the rail while she and Klaus watch the said compelled people go back and forth.

"It's the only option we have. Besides, it's been long since we have a decent party. Perhaps this is a successful one where we can kill those who oppose on us." He enthusiastically says with a grin while his sister grimaces with doubt.

"I wish it were. So this can be the day where I can get my hands-."

"Hold that thought, don't want to get in trouble now." He held a finger up, side-glancing to the gate where Hayley entered looking around in wonder of what's happening in the Abattoir.

Danielle gave him a look but Klaus just grinned, knowing that he was right.

"We were heading out, and now we're throwing a party, I see." She said walking to the middle and looks up to the two Original hybrid, overseeing everything.

"One that will be attended by New Orleans' most influential creatures." Klaus adds, being the one who prepared all this and had no intentions throwing a party with no one attending. He devised a plan, someone would expect but never saw what hit them.

"You do realize that everyone hates you." Hayley points out.

"But they love Marcel, and as the invite states, he is the cohost. Tonight, we celebrate our truce."

"So, you're throwing a fake party in honor of a fake truce, and your guest of honor is in a dungeon." She plans out, arms crossed and watched the two siblings descended from the stairs as they speak.

And by Hayley's gaze on her, Danielle felt something was odd which had her worried. "Marcel's attendance would only complicate matters. Besides, I'll have my hands full weeding out those in league with the Hollow."

"Have fun with that. Can I talk to you in private?" Hayley said towards Danielle who studies her behavior. Klaus looks at the both of them, reading the room clearly.

"My cue to oversee the kitchen." He announces, hands behind him as he walks away to leave them be.

Hayley didn't want to keep any secrets or dead skeletons between her and Danielle. A promise she made when the Mikaelson was brought back to life. "Do you know where Freya is? I need a favor."

"She said she's going out, Audelia followed. That was hours ago, I can call her for you." Danielle says, exhaling softly and looked around before seriously gazing to the woman in front of her. "What's the matter?"

"My parents are somehow connected to the Hollow. I need Freya to do her thing in order to find answers." She said honestly. "I think it's worth a try."

"Klaus and Elijah can handle themselves without me. I can come with you." Danielle offers even though she knows what Hayley would answer to that suggestion.

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