𝟸.𝟷𝟶: 𝙶𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚊 𝚂𝚎𝚝 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚐 𝙾𝚗 𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎 (51)

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-Narrator's perspective-

After Finn's unexpected visit in the compound, he left a wonderful parting gift for his siblings. It was mostly to drive a wedge between the werewolves and vampires who are in there for a peace treaty. He abused the chance and trapped them all there, planning a mischievous evil conduct.

Many people were downstairs and Danielle couldn't bare to face anyone right there and now. So here she was, in her room with a heavy weight in her shoulders. It's not like she regrets what happened last night. More like she had mixed emotions bubbling in her stomach. One thing she does know was that she didn't want to lose Hayley. But Danielle will never do anything to drive her niece away from her family any further. It was killing her and the only thing she can do was stay silent. Just like her whole life.

The things she'd do for her family...

"I haven't heard you play properly since I went."

By the voice, Danielle pried her eyes off the musical instrument to see her brother with a look. She closed the piano back down and rest her hands on top of it. "Oh, don't stop on my account." He assured, stepping down to walk towards her.

"You're suppose to get us out of here." She only said with such boredom in her tone. Ofcourse, it didn't go unnoticed by the witch who whined like a child.

"Waiting for Davina. In the meantime, why don't you tell me what's bothering you. I might not be the wisest in our lunatic family, But I could recognize that look from everywhere." Kol started, watching how his sibling stood up and walked to exit the room. "Ey, where are you heading?"

"Hopefully, far away from you." She said with such sarcasm and stopped by the ledge of the hallway. Danielle's eyes scanned the middle of the compound, many werewolves and vampires talking amongst each other.

It was then she felt Kol's presence besides her, also resting his arms on the ledge while they observed the supernatural creatured in their home.

"Alright, I'll bite. What's gotten into you?" He asked one more time, pushing over all of his luck. "The last time you've acted like this was when-"

"-Yes, yes, we get it." She quickly interrupted before anyone ever hears whatever he was about to say. "Don't need to bring up the past, Kol. And nothing's wrong with me."

While Kol was being his stubborn and persuasive self, the two Mikaelsons didn't acknowledge the looks from across the compound. Mostly at first, Hayley was fighting the urge to eavesdrop but in the end, she lost and gave in. This morning, back when they were with Hope, something changed between them. Yes, they had such a night but both parties knew that it was only a one time thing. A first and last situation between them.

A spark of curiosity enlightened insides of Hayley when Kol was about to say something about their past. It clearly made her want to know but knew she had no place to ask questions. Especially after what she is going to do for her pack? It's best if they make space between them.

"Oh, I'm not like Nik, sister. I'm not as easily ready to be put down." He countered and saw Danielle looked down when she met the gaze of a hybrid across the room. However, he didn't get to ask when his sister spoke up.

"You're mortal now so, watch it." Danielle warned with no effort to put in her tone. "I have no intention to talk to you with this." She mumbled loud enough for him to hear. Which he did, very clearly.

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